With Martin Logan Spire
The manufacturer indicates that not only does the JL5 drive just about any dynamic loudspeaker, it is extremely stable into capacitive loads and, as a result, also well-suited to drive even very difficult electrostatic speakers.
Alas, I sold my Martin Logan ESL15A’s prior to the arrival of the JL5, otherwise, it would have been very interesting to see how what the CAT pairing would bring. Fortunately, audio buddy Niels (not to be confused with “Big Niels”) has Martin Logan Spires which are an older but still relatively recent model. I’ve stepped aside to Niels’ setup a couple of times before and I have tried a selection of tube amplifiers with his speakers before. So far, the result had always been a pleasingly rich sound with a magical midrange but nearly always with severe HF roll-off. This is only natural given that the speaker presents itself as a capacitive load that combines with the amplifier’s output transformer to effectively form a low-pass filter.
Niels’ setup consists of a custom-built Music Server, a Jeff Rowland Aeris DAC with PSU and an Analog Domain M75D integrated amplifier. Because the M75 has a proprietary connection that couples its pre- and power amp sections, we resorted to using the Aeris with an AudioQuest Water interlink directly into the JL5 using the DAC’s digital volume control. The speaker cables are Cardas Clear Light. Given the speakers’ below 1-Ohm load in the upper treble, I started with the CAT’s 4-Ohm output and after a quick comparison, this also turned out to lead to the most balanced result.
To be honest, I’m not entirely sure how CAT has managed it but, indeed, the JL5 has considerably less treble roll-off than I anticipated. Granted, Niels’ Analog Domain amp elicits airier and more open treble from the Spires but the JL5 counters with much deeper imaging and a midrange so organic that it took Niels a moment to come to grips with. As he puts it, the JL5 makes his speakers sound such that one stops pondering and just relax while the music pours out of the speakers with an effortless flow. What I noticed, in particular, is that the bass was rounder and fuller than with the Analog Domain but, as with all earlier loudspeakers, again very well-balanced and never attracting attention to itself. As regular readers will know and as I have probably made very clear in this article, I am a solid-state guy and I love tight and controlled bass, but still, I can’t fault the JL5’s very natural bass delivery. In addition, the JL5 has a very natural timbre which is especially important with Martin Logans as they can sound very slightly synthetic themselves. With the JL5, however, the speaker sounded wonderfully natural and acoustically highly convincing.
If there’s one thing that this test confirmed, it’s that the JL5 lives up to its promise of being able to drive basically all speakers out there, including electrostatics.
While its presentation of the music is notably different from that of an Audio Research Ref75 on the one hand (very tight and ultra-transparent) or an Ayon Spirit III on the other (very robust and sonorous), I would not characterize the JL5 as being editorializing in any particular manner.
The CAT has a slightly sweet but highly natural sound with the slight softening at the frequency extremes that typically come along with a Triode design. The benefits of its Triode circuit, however, are overwhelming with a gloriously rich and juicy midrange of the kind that transistors simply seem unable to recreate. Along with this comes wide and very deep imaging with the kind of 3D depth that makes vocals, strings, and piano so alluring. Unusually for a Triode design, the JL5 combines the aforementioned traits with seemingly bottomless power reserves and the ability to drive just about any loudspeaker, including electrostatics.
External Links
Manufacturer: catamps.com
Importer for France and French-speaking areas: Vermeer Audio
Distributor and contact for France and French-speaking areas:
Distributor for France / Monaco / Belgium / Luxembourg / French part of Switzerland
Contact : Marc Loubeau
Tel : +33(0)6 49 89 68 88
Email : contact@prestige-audio-diffusion.fr
Website: www.prestige-audio-diffusion.fr
You’ve sold the ESL15A’s???
But why?
Did you replace them with something else?
Indeed. ATM I am using only the Magico S1 Mk2’s. Long story, which I will work into a new chapter of the HFA Audio History when I find the time.
Hey Christian,
A typically excellent and thorough review of an American brand that doesn’t seem to get much coverage stateside. One question did something weird happen with your editing? The review seems to start mid-stride without any sort of introduction. Not that it matters it was another great read thanks!
Hi Jon, you’re right. In an effort to improve the readability by shuffling parts around, I agree I actually made it look less great. It started with a lack of Company Background that made me question how to start the article. I’ve now added a tiny bit of info and have done some more shuffling and I think it looks better now:-)
Nice review! It’s all in the match, and CAT matches very well with Ceramic based speakers. Most succesfull here was a pairing with the German made Consensus speaker. Having owned almost all CAT models starting end 90’s with the SL1, the JL1 is still a favorite CAT but they need service and attention. Lions can be lifelong friends, but not with everyone. Watch the Lion Wisperer at Youtube and see what i mean..
Cheers. Ron Callas-Audio