Detailed Info about the Apogee Duetta Signature
Above: Original Duetta Signature
Below are some beautiful photo’s of completely restored Duetta Signature. New covers with piano-laquer finish, new Graz ribbons, new filters. Most of below photos kindly supplied by ThingMan. You can mail him at thingman@soundscapes.nu
Above: before restauration
Above: after restauration
Above: original crossover
Above: The improved passive filters. Job well done, wouldn’t you say?
For more Duetta Signature speaker inside and crossover pictures, see link below:
Duetta Signature Inside Pictures
These very speakers are now the property of my listening buddy JW and they’re set up in my listening room for extended evaluation. They wil be compared to Magnepan MG3.6R and MG20.7. An extended review, comparing 3 sets of Duetta Signature (including a refurbished set) can be found here:
Duetta Signature Extensive Review
Above: Under some circumstances you can see through the thin, panty-like cloth…
…but this is how original Duetta Signatures usually look
And this is how the refurbished Duetta Signature looks – much better don’t you agree? You only need to be careful with the fully exposed ribbons…
Generic Info
The second revision of the original Duetta was a visual and electrical redesign, the front lip of the Duetta cover was removed to give a tidier appearance, and sturdy aluminium feet were added. The crossover was redesigned to enhance the high frequency response, along with the addition of a three position mid/tweeter level switch.
According to reviewers the signature greatly improved upon the bass performance of the Duetta II and also had a clearer high frequencies and was less prone to sounding bass heavy.
When it was released the Signature offered exceptional performance to the lucky few who could afford it along with the necessary amplification.
It likes to be well clear of walls 3-4 feet from the back wall, and at least 1-2 feet from the side walls helps imaging greatly.
Original Retail $4000
Height 150 cm
Width 72 cm
Impedance 3.2 – 4 ohms
Bass driver
Aluminium/Kapton panel
Aluminium/Kapton (3 segment)
Max Sound Level
Sensitivity @ 3m
Frequency response
30Hz (-3dB) to over 20kHz
Crossover frequency (acoustic)
Suggested amp power
100W (into 8 ohms) 200W (into 4 ohms) with ±16amps current
120lbs each
Finishes available
Light grey, Anthracite, Taupe, Faux Marble or Black Sand
DAX 3 (optional)
A DAX is a two channel Dedicated Active Crossover designed specifically to be coupled with the Diva, Duetta Signature and Caliper Signature, or Mini Grand and Studio Grand speakers. A DAX provides exceptional tuning flexibility which enables users to sculpt a tonal balance to meet their listening requirements whilst skipping part of the passive crossover components. The DAX will accomodate a wide range of preamplifier and amplifier characteristics. There were various DAX versions, click the link below for more info.
More Duetta Signature
Extensive Duetta Signature Review
Duetta Signature Speaker and Crossover Inside Pictures