Cable Reviews

16 July 2024
Mad Scientist Audio Prime USB premium
This brand new Mad Scientist product is called Prime not just because it is the company's best cable but mainly because it uses prime numbers to define the sizes and positions of various elements to create a non-resonant "bad antenna" design that reduces noise and interference. Does this cable really make a unique proposition, or have we heard it before?
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Network Acoustics tempus premium
tempus is the most recent addition to the Network Acoustics portfolio, a precision ultra-low noise Ethernet Switch with dedicated hybrid power supply.
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31 October 2023
Ensemble Dynaflux FSF RCA Interlink – Quick Impression premium
Connected between the CH Precision C1.2 DAC and L1 preamp, the Ensemble Dynaflux FSF Interlink surprises by sounding nothing like its appearance might suggest.
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Mad Scientist Black Magic Ultra and Black Magic Gold premium
Mad Scientist introduces two new ranges: Black Magic Ultra and Black Magic Gold. Reviewed are four cables: Black Magic Ultra speaker cables, Black Magic Gold balanced analog interlink, Black Magic Ultra Power cable, and Black Magic Gold USB cable.
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3 September 2023
Vermouth Audio Statement XLR Interlink premium
Before the introduction of the Statement series, the Reference series was Vermouth's very best. The new Statement series, using OCC silver/gold conductors, promises further elevated performance.
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Jorma Audio Unity Interlink, Power Cable, and Speaker Cable premium
Along with the Marten Parker Trio loudspeakers that I recently reviewed, I was also handed a trio of Jorma cables. As I found, these cables turned out not only to work superbly synergistically with the Parker Trios, but they also proved a smashing success overall. As such, I felt they deserved their own review.
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Driade Flow Link Reference 808 XLR and RCA – Follow-up Review premium
Regular readers will know of my unwavering enthusiasm for Driade Flow Link Reference 808 interlinks ever since reviewing them in the summer of 2021. As time went by, I found myself using them more and more, and they are now my favorite cables!
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Network Acoustics MUON Pro Ethernet Filter premium
Developed around the company's latest proprietary noise filtering technology, the muon Ethernet Filter is a passive system designed to filter out problematic electrical and radio frequency noise that would otherwise be delivered via the ethernet cable along with the data into the sensitive audio equipment.
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29 November 2022
Wires 4 Music Horus and Osiris Signature Interlinks premium
Wires 4 Music is a young and dynamic company based in Málaga, Spain. Their goal is to make the best possible audio cables by employing today's best available materials while aiming for a reasonable price.
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13 November 2022
Final Touch Audio Elara power cable – Revisited premium
A complete system change and newfound experiences warranted a revisit of the Final Touch Audio Elara power cable. Read on to find out how I like it now!
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GigaWatt PF-1e, PF-1 EVO, and PF-2 EVO Power Strips premium
For this review, I will compare all three of GigaWatt's Power Strips using a range of GigaWatt power cables.
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25 October 2022
GigaWatt PowerSync, PowerSync PLUS, PowerSync ULTRA, and LC-2 EVO power cables premium
For this review, I am covering four GigaWatt power cables: three models from the new PowerSync range and one from the longer-standing EVO range. Read on to find out how they compare!
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30 September 2022
Driade Flow Reference 808 speakercable premium
The Flow Reference 808 is Driade's new reference-level speaker cable, intended to inhabit the spot above the Flow 405 in the brand's topmost tier and meant for those who seek the maximum in performance.
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14 August 2022
Mad Scientist Black Magic ULTRA USB Cable premium
After four years, the Mad Scientist decided to update their Black Magic cable. Unlike the original, it's hand-built from the wire up. In addition, they added the complex 8-fold screening system that was developed for the new speaker cables. The result, according to the Mad Scientist, is a cable that performs at a much higher level than the original.
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29 July 2022
Jorma Audio USB Reference and Ethernet premium
Shortly after reviewing the Jorma AES/EBU cables, I started hearing rave reports about the other Jorma Digital cables, especially the USB Reference cable. With this dual product review, I am excited to investigate what all the fuss is about.
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11 May 2022
Mad Scientist Black Magic Speaker Cables premium
Having reviewed a fair amount of Mad Scientist Audio products, I thought that I had a pretty good handle on the performance of their cables and accessories relative to other products, as well as on the brand's house sound in general. Well, let me just say that going into this latest review, my preconceptions were about to be turned upside down.
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Ansuz Mainz8 D2 and Mainz8 D-TC Power Distributors premium
Here is an in-depth review of the Ansuz Mainz8 D2 and Mainz8 D-TC Power Distributors, enhanced with an assortment of Ansuz Mainz D2 power cables and Darkz T2 and T2 Supreme Resonance Control Footers.
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Final Touch Audio Metis Ethernet Cable premium
From the very first notes, I knew I had something special on my hands. This cable's superiority is so evident that the review has practically written itself!
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24 April 2022
Final Touch Audio Sinope USB cable premium
After all the USB cables that I reviewed, at some point, I truly felt that I had heard it all and there were no more surprises for me in store. Against this backdrop, it's an absolute joy to come across a new product that is so evidently superior to everything that came before it.
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31 December 2021
Signal Projects Lynx and Apollon premium
These Signal Projects cables provide a superbly liquid, lush, deeply saturated, highly refined, and smooth sound but, especially in the case of the Apollon, with great transparency and resolution. This is seduction at its best.
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27 August 2021
Jena Labs Valkyrie and Aurora XLR – Quick Impression premium
The antithesis of a "filtered" sound, the Jena Labs Valkyrie and Aurora are remarkably neutral and direct-sounding cables.
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27 August 2021
Stealth Indra XLR and Cinch – Mini Review premium
Truly excellent, superbly natural, neutral, and transparent, non-sounding cables that would be my all-time favorites if it wasn't for a certain other, more affordable cable.
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6 August 2021
AudioQuest Fire premium
Positioned 3 models above the Water in the Elements series, the Fire is not only better, it is incomparably better. The Fire is the best cable I have heard thus far!
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Driade Flow Link Reference 808 XLR and RCA premium
The Flow Link Reference 808 provides a wholly unforced, pure, and natural rendition of anything that you play. The cables have the fluidity, smoothness, and organic presentation that I have come to know from the Flow 405 speaker cables but with a new level of articulation, precision, and transparency, that fully justifies their "Reference" moniker.
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8 June 2021
Mad Scientist Black Magic Network Cable premium
Theoretically, since we're talking about data packets sent unrelated to a time domain, a network cable cannot affect the sound of network transfer. It either works, or it doesn't. But apparently there is more to this. The Black Magic UTP cable certainly makes this abundantly clear.
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10 February 2021
Mad Scientist Audio FCGD+ Digital Interlink premium
With the FCGD+, Mad Scientist has entered the true high-end level of digital cables. This cable is simply brilliant, and as it stands, the best digital coaxial cable that I’ve used.
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9 January 2021
Vermouth Audio Reference Phono Interlinks premium
The Vermouth Reference phono cable gets so much right, especially in the aspects that matter most for musical enjoyment, and at such a reasonable price, that I can only recommend it wholeheartedly.
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30 October 2020
Vermouth Audio Black Pearl MkII and Rhapsody interlinks premium
Positioned underneath the Reference range are four more interlink models of which I will review two: the second most affordable Rhapsody and the second most advanced Black Pearl MkII.
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11 October 2020
Vermouth Audio Reference USB premium
Naturally, one cannot extrapolate the sound of analog cables onto a USB cable but given earlier experience with Vermouth's interlinks, I have high expectations for the company's new USB cable.
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18 August 2020
Mad Scientist Audio Nitro Nano power cable premium
The Nitro power cable replaces the NEO and NEO-OCC models and although it looks very similar to the older NEO, the internal differences have resulted in a much-improved performance.
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11 August 2020
Jorma Audio AES/EBU Digital Cable premium
The Jorma AES/EBU cable, quite simply, the very best digital cable that I have heard.
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Origin Live Silver Hybrid analog interlink premium
Clearly, Mark Baker knows what he is doing, not only in the field of turntables but also in the field of cables.
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5 June 2020
Pink Faun Digital Interlink LAN premium
To many, high-end Ethernet cables are still a controversial subject. While plenty of experiments have proven to me that their influence is not imaginary, it sure is annoying that, so far, we have not been able to come up with a proper scientific explanation for why these cables can alter the sound. However, these differences are actually easy to hear and the Pink Faun Digital Interlink LAN cable with its unique presentation turns out to be an ideal candidate to take away any remaining doubts.
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29 May 2020
Way Cables Champagne Plus USB Cable premium
The Champagne Plus has a smooth, rich and lush presentation with juicy-liquid mids and a very gentle and airy treble. There is an immense sense of freedom with this cable, an almost magical and rather un-electronic manner of music-making indeed.
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29 May 2020
Way Cables Substance Plus Power Cable premium
The Substance Plus power cable honors its name by sounding quite substantial indeed. It has a sonorous delivery with very solid and full-bodied bass, a warm and liquid midrange and airy and super-refined, decidedly non-forward and very well-behaved treble.
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25 April 2020
Pink Faun Digital Interlink USB premium
The Pink Faun Digital Interlink USB ranks among the very best cables I have heard and it has established itself as one of my top favorites.
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5 April 2020
Driade Flow 405 loudspeaker cable premium
This cable truly is something else. It has a smooth, free-flowing, organic and highly involving delivery that, quite unusually, does not come along with a lack of focus or a reduction in dynamic slam.
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24 February 2020
Curious Evolved USB Cable premium
A very interesting alternative to the original Curious USB cable.
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FoilFlex interlinks and speaker Cables premium
FoilFlex sells high-quality state-of-the-art cables exclusively through a family-owned and -operated business with the aim to provide very high performance as well as great value. The perception is that High-End equals High Expense, and often, that holds true but FoilFlex aims to do things differently.
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20 July 2019
Jorma Duality and Trinity speaker cables premium
The No. 2 and No. 3 have been in production for over a decade. Jorma Design is clearly not a company that issues new models every two years. But now there is the Duality and Trinity, both continuing in the spirit of their predecessors but with their respective performances still further enhanced.
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29 April 2019
Vermouth Audio Reference Power Cable premium
The Vermouth Reference is not a typical high-end power cable and I mean that in the best of ways - it is not of the hyper-detailed and threadbare kind, rather the opposite.
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21 March 2019
Final Touch Audio Elara power cable premium
As mentioned in the Ganymede XLR interlink review, in addition to the Callisto USB cable, there was one more Final Touch Audio cable under review: the Elara power cable.
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13 March 2019
Final Touch Audio Ganymede XLR interlink premium
After my enthusiastic review of the Callisto USB cable, Goran of Final Touch Audio sent me two more cables for review: the Ganymede XLR interlink which is the subject of this review and the Elara power cable which I will review separately.
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Vermouth Audio Reference Cinch and XLR interlinks premium
Carefully handcrafted in Bali
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10 February 2019
Final Touch Audio Callisto USB cable premium
Not another me-too cable!
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27 September 2018
Computer Audio Design USB I premium
This cable offers a unique combination of technical accuracy and sonorous, full-bodied, natural and organic sound.
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20 September 2018
Curious USB Cable premium
Curious Cables' Australian owner and designer Rob Woodland spent 12 months examining every aspect of USB cable design and came up with the subject of this review: the Curious USB Cable.
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15 July 2018
Mad Scientist Black Magic USB premium
Once again the company issued a newer version of a product that beats the previous incarnation by a sizable margin, no matter if that previous product was already marvelous!
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23 March 2018
SW1X Audio Design Power Cables (Guest Review) premium
Guest review by George Sallit
10 March 2018
Audio Note Lexus LX premium
Smooth and fluid yet highly precise sounding speaker cable.
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2 November 2017
Mad Scientist Heretical USB premium
If there is any doubt that USB cables can make a difference then try the Heretical USB!
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2 November 2017
Mad Scientist FCG+ Interlinks premium
Quite simply the FCG+, and I assume the more basic models just as much, are a must-hear
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29 July 2017
Black Rhodium Stream Power premium
Power cables are often placed in one of two camps: warm and relaxed or fast and clean. The Stream manages to combine a silky smooth sound with excellent speed and transparency.
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23 April 2017
Black Rhodium Concerto XLR Interlinks premium
Lively cable with excellent speed and dynamics and natural timbre
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Furutech FP-TCS31 power cable and FI-28/FI-38 connectors premium
Updated versions for the famous Alpha 3 cable and FI25 and FI35 connectors
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16 May 2016
ASI Liveline Speaker Cables – Mini Review premium
The LiveLine cables combine solid-core copper conductors for the hot run and solid-core silver for the return. Added are 2mm splices of the five resonator alloys to all ends.
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16 May 2016
Taiko Audio Nagado and Okedo premium
Seductively luxurious and authoritative
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29 April 2016
Straight Wire Crescendo II – Quick Impression premium
Different from the modern norm this is a highly characterful cable
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29 April 2016
Daniël Hertz 2-C – Quick Impression premium
Creamy and relaxed, with very good resolution that is presented in an unforced manner
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27 April 2016
Mad Scientist HAC and HAC Plus premium
After the Heretical Digital Cable, Mad Scientist have now issued two analog versions called HAC and HAC Plus
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27 February 2016
NBS Monitor 0 powercable – Mini Review premium
Legendary, super-solid cable with a powerful sound
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22 February 2016
Mad Scientist Audio Heretical Digital Cable premium
Heresy: a non-75 ohm digital cable!
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18 December 2015
AudioQuest Victoria, Yosemite and Angel mini jack interlink cables premium
In search of the best mini jack to cinch cable.
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9 December 2015
AudioQuest Sydney, Yukon, Water and Earth Interlinks premium
Comparing 4 AudioQuest interlink models, spanning a wide price range.
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25 November 2015
Ricable Ultimate and Hi End speaker cables premium
Highly affordable, high quality speaker cables.
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22 November 2015
Ricable Supreme Signal RCA and XLR interlinks premium
Highly affordable, high quality analogue interlinks.
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