HFA Audio Setup History 31 – Secondary Setup 2018-2021

After the easy success of pulling the TV’s cables through the wall, I decided to also fit the IMF speakers in the wall. This was a little less easy and quite messy but it was still considerably less difficult than sawing out entire walls.
I made a neat little stand so that the speaker could simply slide in without the need for further support. Knowing myself only all too well, I decided to keep the removed gypsum blocks…
As if it was part of a bigger plan, I was contacted by Xavian to review their new Perla Esclusiva speakers and as it turned out, these performed spectacularly well in what would after this officially become my secondary system.
Granted, the Zanden 8120 was a bit of an overkill given the modest speakers but boy did it sound great. Alas, it was only visiting for a review. Also note that the little REL Quake II sub is only used with the surround amplifier. It is completely separated from the stereo system, even down to the power that feeds it.
Interestingly, the Stealth also proved to work absolutely fantastically with the NuPrime ST10 (in place of the PrimaLuna) and the Xavians. Especially when playing LP’s this combo had a combination of foot-tapping rhythm and superlative communicative powers that was remarkable. I know, we’re talking an analog source with a Class-A tube preamp combined with Class-D amplification but trust me, it may not have been the pinnacle of resolution or refinement, but otherwise, it sounded fantastic. Even my die-hard tube-lover friends JW (the Doctor) and JC (meneer Buis) had to admit that the system made highly compelling music.
After reviewing the Ayon Scorpio and Spirit III integrated amplifiers, it was clear that the PrimaLuna had ultimately met its match. Right until that time it had been near-unbeatable, but now its time had come. I purchased the Spirit III and assigned it a central role in the secondary setup while it would also perform as a well-known reference in several other amplifier- and speaker reviews, be it in the secondary system or in the main system.
At some point, the AudioAanZee Reference Flow was replaced with the first-gen Antipodes EX that sounded more robust and also had a much more usable form factor. Although it can function perfectly as a server, it was used only as a renderer in combination with the Roon-controlled library on the Antipodes CX in the main room.
Because the IMF’s served remarkably well as the main speakers for TV sources but I found to be aesthetically none too pleasing, I decided to make grilles as covers.
Meanwhile, I had also added a turntable to the main system, the Origin Live Calypso mk4 with Multi-Layer Platter, Illustrious arm and Silver Hybrid cable. Since the main system revolved around the CH Precision C1 DAC which has analog inputs but I did not want to digitize LPs, I relocated the freed-up Ayon Stealth to that system to serve for the analog part while retaining the C1 in its main role for the digital sources.
Also around this time, experiments with modifying Philips CD players had re-sparked my love of CD playback. For the secondary system, this meant that I wanted a CD player but with the space constraints, I only had room for 3 devices: the turntable, the amplifier, and the CD player. Good thing that the Ayon CD-10II not only looked fantastic next to the Spirit III but also had a great-sounding onboard DAC!
Next up, Thorens issued the long-awaited successor to the TD160, the TD1600 and TD1601, the latter of which performed superbly well and consequently was also added to the secondary system, replacing the TD160mkII and the TD125mkII.
Your setup history is the single greatest audiophile read ever, and I’ve read a lot online and in the magazines. I think it especially resonated with me because it so eloquently captures the hardware side of our hobby and made me reminisce of some of the past equipment I’ve owned including B&W Nautilus, Magnepan, REL, Meridian and others.
I’m sure it’s only because of lack of time but someday I really hope to read the subsequent entries the bridge from 2018 to the current snapshot. Much less important, but I’d also love to read a review/how you got to your Magico’s as a reference.
No need to respond and thanks so much for all your effort – it comes through admirably in all your writings!
Hi Ryan, thanks for your kind words! You guessed right:-) All my time is consumed with reviews but completing the HFA Audio History remains on the list. As soon as there is time, I will add another chapter. Here’s to hoping I will someday catch up with the current state!
Hi Ryan, I’m happy to let you know that I have just added a new chapter to the HFA Audio Setup History. And not only that, another chapter is in the works, which will bring us up to date with the current situation.