Below is a summary of the Main System and its operational components in June 2022.
Magico S1 MkII
Pre Amplifier
Phono Stage
Power Amplifier
CH Precision C1
Aqua Formula xHD
Music Server
Antipodes K50
Grimm Audio MU1
Taiko Audio Extreme
Network Renderer / Streaming Endpoint
Origin Live Calypso mk4 with Illustrious Tonearm
Avid Sequel with Audio Origami PU7 tonearm (on loan)
Aidas Rainbow
Dynavector 10X5 mkII
Record Cleaning Machine
Clearaudio Matrix Silent
AudioQuest Fire cinch
CH Precision Balanced Link XLR
Driade Flow Link Reference 808 RCA and XLR
Tonearm Cables
Loudspeaker Cables
Digital Cables
Jorma BNC
Ethernet Cables
ValueLine OEM CAT6 cables
Audio Group Power Installation
Siemens Sitor Cylindric Fuse Cartridge with standard silver-plated fuse for live and solid silver rod for neutral
GigaWatt G-044 Schuko Wall Socket
Standard unshielded 2,5mm solid core copper installation wire
Power Cables
Belden 19364 with Bals schuko and Oyaide 004 connectors
Equipment Support
Artesania Exoteryc Audiorack
Artesania Carbon Fiber Linear Arm Upgrade
Artesania Aire Floor Platform
Artesania Organic Line Modular Rack
Artesania Organic Line Modular Floor Platform
Artesania ISBAIEBW Standalone Isolation Bases
Artesania ISDIWB Beech Wood Isolation Discs
Artesania Digital Server Platform
Finite Elemente Cerapuc and Ceraball Universal
Room Treatment
R.T.F.S. Big Block
R.T.F.S. Ceiling Vane
Hard Wood Stiffening Bars glued onto the windows
See Also
All HFA Reference equipment and accessories frequently used for reviews: Associated Equipment
Overview of all Setup Snapshots
In-depth overview of how the HFA systems developed over the years: HFA Audio Setup History
Ranking Order of reviewed components with appointed Awards: HFA Awards page
It would be most interesting to see some ceiling and floor treatment as well as corner treatment. I guess there is much room for improvement here because the listening room acoustics is the most important factor for the resulting sound quality. No wonder that there are minimum quality standards for studios‘ room acoustics.
There have been various kinds of treatments to the back wall and ceiling from bass traps, diffusers, and absorbers, for this, see the GiK, HOFA and RTFS reviews in which I also briefly covered the Stockholm diffusers, and the latest installment in HFA Setup History. I still have two RTFS SiRRAH diffusers/absorbers on the front wall. What I found is that the LP rack that you see in the left corner and the magazine rack on the right, together with the “walls” of CDs were more effective at reducing standing waves while retaining more liveliness in the room. If you refer to the previous setup, you can see that I also tried raising the racks all the way to the ceiling. I still have a massive stack comprised of RTFS Big Block and Small Blocks in the right rear corner. The entire story of this is still to be written when I find the time.