Below is a summary of the Secondary System and its operational components in February 5th, 2023. The differences from the last incarnation are the exchange of the Ayon CD-10 II CD player for an Accuphase DP-430 CD player and the exchange or the Antipodes EX music server for an Auralic Aries G1 streamer.
Phono Stage
Lejonklou Entity V1.2
Integrated Amplifier
Accuphase E-280 with DAC-40
CD Player
Accuphase DP-430
Network Renderer / Streaming Endpoint
Auralic Aries G1 (€2.999)
Driade Flow Link Reference 808 (CD10 to amplifier)
Standard OEM interlink (TD1601 to phono stage)
Standard OEM interlink (phono stage to amplifier)
Loudspeaker Cables
USB Cables
Digital Cables
Mad Scientist Heretical Digital
Audio Group Power Installation
Standard wall outlet (with standard Hager automatic breaker switch)
Two runs of 2,5 mm standard solid core copper installation leading to 2 Popp/Eurolite 8-fold Power Distributors
Power Cables
Belden 19364 with Bals schuko and Oyaide 004 connectors
GigaWatt LC-2 EVO (E-280)
Equipment Support
Ansuz Darkz C2T, S2T and T2S
Finite Elemente Cerapuc
SoundCare SuperSpikes
Room Treatment
R.T.F.S. Stripe
Acustica Applicata DaaD 2
See Also
All HFA Reference equipment and accessories frequently used for reviews: Associated Equipment
Overview of all Setup Snapshots
In-depth overview of how the HFA systems developed over the years: HFA Audio Setup History
Ranking Order of reviewed components with appointed Awards: HFA Awards page
Videos on the Hifi-Advice YouTube Channel
Hifi-Advice High-End Audio Equipment Reviews
(alas, due to time constraints, no updates lately)