Press Release May 11th, 2023
10 Series performance comes to record replay!
Following the introduction of the L10 and M10 amplifiers, CH Precision is proud to announce the release of the partnering phono-stage, the new P10. Our original P1 phono-stage has long been recognized as THE benchmark for phono performance, by reviewers and end-users alike. But as impressive (and impressively versatile) as the P1 undoubtedly is, the P10 represents a whole new level of sophistication and musical reproduction.
• Two-box product with massive, dedicated power supply and ultra-low noise-floor.
• All-new circuit with three separate gain stages to reduce noise.
• Two-stage passive EQ.
• Four independently configurable XLR/RCA phono inputs:
• Two trans-impedance current sensing MC inputs.
• Two conventional, fully discrete, voltage-sensing MC/MM inputs.
• Higher gain and finer gain adjustment (3dB steps rather than 5dB) on all inputs.
• User selectable local/global feedback.
• Unprecedented range of loading options on voltage inputs.
• Seven optional EQ curves for EMI, Columbia (LP), Decca (London), Teldec (DGG), NARTB/NAB, Capitol (AES), and Philips.
• Improved user interface, including handy IR remote control for all main functions.
• Improved cartridge gain/loading wizard to aid set up.
The P10 might be an analog component, but the numbers tell the tale: a noise floor that’s 5dB lower than the already ghostly quiet P1; 45 to 78dB of gain in 3dB steps (that’s 8dB more than the P1); four independent phono inputs and as many as eight different record replay EQ curves. Throw in the remotely selectable Neumann pole for all EQ curves, local/global feedback, stereo/mono switching, and high-pass filter and you have one of the user-friendliest phono-stages available.
Of course, the P10 incorporates the improved mechanical grounding system employed on the other 10 Series products and is available in the same choice of three different finishes. But add to that the choice of balanced (XLR) or single-ended (RCA) connections for all inputs: the provision of balanced (XLR) and single-ended (RCA and 50Ω BNC) outputs; the option of current-sensing (trans-inductance) or voltage sensing MM/MC inputs, with the unprecedented loading options available for the latter; the opportunity to double up to a full, four-box P10 True Monaural and you also have one of the most versatile, able to bring out the best from almost any cartridge and match any system.
But the icing on the cake is the performance. The performance that’s captured on the record you are playing. The L10 and M10 broke new ground when it came to system matching, natural musical reproduction and communication, bringing listeners closer to the original event than ever before. The P10 delivers the same advantages, but it delivers them that much closer to the front of the system so that you enjoy the benefits at every stage thereafter. Records have never sounded so like life, you’ve never been able to get so close to the original performers or their performance. Just when audiophiles were beginning to think it was safe to rely on digital sources, the P10 elevated record replay to a whole new high.
Attending the High End Show in Munich – May 20th – 21st 2023
Please visit us in Atrium 4.1, Room F118
Prices vary with country, but the US dollar and Euro prices are as follows:
P10 Twin Chassis Phono-stage US$76,000 / €77,000
P10 Four Chassis True Monaural Phono-stage US$132,000 / €132,000
Optional EQ Cards /pair US$2,250 / €2,200