By popular demand, the Joplin MkIII phono A/D converter is back in stock
Pisa, December 4th, 2023
Following the general decline in sales, which has afflicted our sector for a year now, and considering the difficulty in sourcing some components used for its production, at the beginning of 2023, M2Tech stopped production of the A/D converter Joplin MkIII. However, continuous requests from enthusiasts have convinced M2Tech to put this one-of-a-kind device back into production. After a long and arduous search for the necessary components, M2Tech is pleased to announce that the Joplin MkIII will be available again starting December 14, 2023.
The Joplin MkIII is an analog/digital converter with an asynchronous USB 2.0 interface and an analog front-end with adjustable gain and input impedance and equalization capability of the signal acquired in the digital domain. These operational characteristics mean that it is possible to connect a turntable directly to the Joplin MkIII (without the need for a phono preamp), acquire the signal digitally, and make it available on the digital outputs with which the Joplin MkIII is equipped (including an I2S output with SRC which allows you to provide the signal also in DSD format) as well as on the USB interface, for real-time listening via a DAC or for recording to file.
The Joplin MkIII is equipped with a large variety of phono and tape equalization curves, to correctly capture any record (stereo or mono LP as well as 78 rpm) or tape. We inform interested parties that the availability of the Joplin MkIII is limited. Therefore, it will be advisable to proceed with the purchase or reservation at your reseller or distributor as soon as possible.
The retail price of the Joplin MkIII is set at €2750 plus VAT wherever applied.
For more information, please contact M2Tech or your local distributor.
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Manufacturer: M2Tech