Oyaide C-037, C-046, C-079 and C-004 IEC Connectors

With each of the four IEC connectors having its own distinctive character, there is bound to be a suitable model for every application
For the longest time, I had wondered precisely how the various Oyaide connectors compared. Sure I have heard many of them, but always in different configurations and situations, which made it hard to come to proper conclusions. Over time some ideas have certainly formed in my head, but since the cables used were always different, this still does not tell the whole story. That’s why I asked Aspera Audio, distributor for the Benelux, to supply 4 different connectors for direct comparison and Guy was happy to oblige.
To keep costs reasonable, I selected the well-known, Belden 19364 AWG14 (2.1mm2) power cable, and used the same P-029 schuko power connector for all 4 cables. Although I am aware that the differences will be clearest when using the same connectors for both schuko and IEC ends, the respective connector’s characters were still evident.
Belden cable
This type of cable is included often with American-made high-end audio equipment. Many never think about it twice and just use the supplied leads and there’s nothing wrong with this. Others will chuck out the supplied cables and substitute their own high-end variant and there’s nothing wrong with this either. While the two camps tend to accuse one another of being silly, there is validity in each of the beliefs. There is no doubt that high-end power cables make for clearly audible differences in the sound. Countless reviews that I conducted have indicated that power cables can make the sound smoother, richer and more refined, or make the sound cleaner, more powerful and more dynamic, depending on the cable that is chosen. While I have personally accused Belden 19364 cable of sounding dry and harsh in the treble in the past, this is actually very much a relative matter. It is just a very neutral sounding cable that is not especially forgiving in that it does not sugar-coat anything and under certain circumstances it can indeed lay bare any edginess that exists elsewhere in the system. The apparent resolution and refinement can certainly be bettered by using higher-grade cables, but the Belden’s neutrality and lack of a forgiving quality still makes it a very good cable to conduct this comparison with. For all cables I used the same 2,5m length.
Oyaide Connectors
Here’s some advice if you plan to connect more than one type of Oyaide connector: make sure to keep the internal components alongside the outer covers. While the outside covers are labeled, the insides are not, and they look indistinguishable from one another. In my case, only the C-079 could be picked from the bunch for having gold contacts. The others, while all having different platings, looked virtually the same. Maybe one metal had more shine than the other, but I couldn’t be sure. Naturally, I did keep them well separate during construction.
The entry class of P/C series with brass contacts and no plating. This type is used for the four schuko connectors.
The reference-grade of P/C series with phosphor bronze contacts and silver + rhodium. The body is quite distinctive with its blue color.
The reference-grade of P/C series with phosphor bronze contacts and 24K gold + palladium plating. The body has a red/orange color.
The C-046 body’s red/orange color looks a lot like the C-079’s color, but when viewed side by side you can see the difference, the C-079 losing the C-046’s orange sheen, substituted with a more brownish color.
The reference-grade of P/C series with phosphor bronze contacts and 24K gold plating. The body has a dark red, brownish color.
The superior grade of P/C series with beryllium copper contacts and platinum + palladium plating. This connector’s body is arguably the most classy of the bunch, being a blue-ish anthracite.
Listening preparations
Although I am not really a fan of blind listening, this test was in effect blind with the exception of one connector, and you probably guessed it, the gold plated C-079. The other numbers had not made a connection in my head, and to be honest, they still don’t. I could not tell you which connector uses what type of metals and platings unless I looked it up, and the list above is made this way. What I did for the listening evaluations was to put the cables in ascending order (first 037, then 046 and so forth) and listen to all of them in this order while taking notes. Once some opinions had formed, further direct comparisons were made to ascertain myself of really hearing what I think I’m hearing. Finally, at the end of the evening, the comparisons were repeated once more to make sure that I was not hearing things.
All cables were equally run in, and listened to in my buddy JW’s system using the same audio component: a Jeff Rowland Synergy IIi preamp.
Starting with the C-037, the sound is very quick and articulate, with very peaky transients. The connector’s character reminds me of how a component’s sound can be changed by substituting soft rubber feet with spikes. While this brings out the edge of the transients, it can make the body of sounds less noticeable, and this happens here too. The peaks are very clear but the subtle shading is lessened. Without actually knowing that this connector employed silver, we suspected that it did, and indeed it does. Do note that silver does not necessarily always sound like silver. I have also heard silver cables that sound warm and smooth but used in connectors, it does tend to add a typical effect. This is not a romantic or forgiving sound, but it can certainly liven up an otherwise overly smooth sounding setup.
Moving on to the C-046, the sound is considerably less dry and tonally fuller. Treble is silkier and there is less of the aforementioned spike effect. There is more of a “carpeted” feeling than with the C-037, but the reduction in the transient attack may also translate into a feeling of hearing less detail. Overall though I feel that this may be the ideal connector for many, providing a great balance between explicit detailing and forgiving smoothness.
Proceeding to the C-079, the sound is very recognizable to both JW and me. This is because JW uses this connector on a Furutech Alpha 3 power cord as well as on the Belden cables feeding his Jeff Rowland Model 6 power amps. The C-079 provides the smoothest sound so far, with an almost creamy midrange, very silky treble and an overall forgiving quality. The spike effect is no longer audible, but then again the transients are not as sharp anymore either. As more often happens, it seems that this connector trades some transient attack and speed for increased smoothness and fluidity, resulting in a forgiving, romantic sound. This connector would be ideal for taming an otherwise bright or over-enthusiastic setup.
The C-004 provides something of an ear-opener and is the real surprise of the bunch. Airier and more open than the C-079, the C-004 manages to extract more low-level resolution than any of the other connectors, while retaining the C-079’s sense of emotion and without sounding in any way peaky. There is a real sense of convincing balance with this connector, no single aspect overshadowing the other, but all aspects being clearly superior. Tonally rich yet lively, speedy and dynamic, the result is technically perfect, highly sensuous sound. It’s nice to observe that more expensive connectors also achieve better sound, across the board.
P-004e Schuko
Adding the Oyaide P-004e Schuko variant to the mix, it became clear that my preference for the 004 is not limited to the IEC connector but extends to the 004 Schuko as well. While I’ve encountered situations where using two same-type connectors resulted in an overly analytical and technical sound, this is absolutely not the case with the 004’s. Yes, the 004’s are very precise but they’re also superbly fluid and refined, not at all dry or overly controlled. What you get when replacing the Oyaide 029 schuko on a Belden cable to end up with 004’s on both ends, is a lot more clarity. The bass becomes much more articulate and the treble blossoms, with superb fluidity and air. In fact, the entire sound actually becomes a lot more refined but not in a Furutech kind of way: the transients, in this case, are absolutely not rounded or smoothed and the timing remains toe-tappingly good. The midrange is likewise enhanced in resolution but remains balanced, never overly pronounced. These connectors, especially the schuko’s, are admittedly quite expensive, even more so after the recent price increase but I promise that they’re worth the expense.
What also works very well is to combine an Oyaide C-004 IEC on one end of a cable with a Bals Schuko on the other end. While very noticeably not as refined and transparent as when using two Oyaide 004’s, the combination does provide a more forceful and lively sound. As always, things are not black and white and what works best in a given situation will depend on user preferences and system synergy. If there’s one thing I learned over the years it is that it is best to apply any changes in moderate measure, assess, and apply more if it works well. While Oyaide power connectors, and especially the 004’s, sound cleaner and more direct than Furutech power connectors in general, depending on the system, using too many of them can still result in a “filtered” effect. In such a case, the sound can become overly sophisticated and lose some of the music’s raw energy. Combining a 004 IEC with a Bals Schuko seems to offset this very effectively and that’s why I frequently use this combination in my system.
It’s still unimaginable to many, but power connectors are a great way to tune an audio system. Power cables are easy to assemble and the results are instantly audible. The big question of “how do Oyaide connectors sound”, can be answered with “this depends on the application and the connector that is chosen”.
Oyaide has managed to put together a range of connectors that all have their own unique character, ranging from open and dynamic to smooth and forgiving. As such, there should always be a perfect connector for every application.
All Oyaide connectors are manufactured to the highest standards, even the 029’s. The difference is in the platings that are applied, and believe it or not, these differences are easy to hear. Picking a winner would mostly be based on personal preferences and system synergy and as such would not be objective, but I think it is fair to state that the C-004 may be costly but delivers the best overall performance of the bunch, with the C-046 providing the most overall improvement at a moderate cost.
Hi Christiaan,
Would it make sense to replace the plug on a standard power cord by one of these exotic plugs, or only if I also replace the power cord, which goes into an external transformer and continues into a pre-amp?
Thank you for your answer.
Cheers, J.
Replacing power connectors always results in an audible difference, even with very simple cables and using an external step up / step down transformer will not remove this effect. That said, you might be able to further change things in one direction or another by replacing the entire cable, but it really depends on what you want to achieve. There is no single “best” solution.
Hi Christiaan,
Thank you very much for the review , I have the same feeling of c037 with your comments, I would get my c004, thanks for the insightful review
Hello Christiaan,
I recently purchased a used Crystal Cable dreamline powercable to feed my power conditioner from the wall outlet. The dreamline PC is terminated with rhodium plated Furutech connetors (FI-050).
The result, compared to the Vitus Andromeda cable it replaced, was exceptional resolution and fleshed-out detail in the midrange and treble.
For some reason though I cannot connect to the overall musical presentation which is too analytical and lacks emotion for my taste. Also the treble is not as smooth as I would like.
I read your reviews of Furutech connectors, so I wonder if you could give me advice. Would replacing the rhodium plated Furutech connectors with Oyiade ( e.g. C-004 and P-004) improve the performance in the direction I want?
Hi Pierre, I can relate to your observations. In spite of a high level of refinement, Rhodium platings can lead to a feeling of lessened musicality. I would recommend using gold plated connectors for a warmer sound but not Oyaide 079’s as these tip over to the mellow side just a little too much. Rather, you should try the Furutech FI38’s, which combine outstanding resolution, openness and refinement with a sweet presentation. If you’d like to avoid adding warmth but still want a more musical result than the Rhodium Furu’s that you are using now then I would suggest to try the Oyaide 004, which is my current favorite. BTW even only replacing the IEC (and not the wall plug) already yields very large results. So, it is not necessarily mandadory to change both connectors.
Comparé une iec iego or vs oyaide 004 ( laquelle est la plus rapide,timbré,transparente,douce) merci
Using Google translate, your question is as follows: “Compared a iec iego gold vs oyaide 004 (which is the fastest, timbre, transparent, sweet) thank you”.
IeGO Gold is very different from Oyaide 004. Fastest: Oyaide but only by a small margin. Timbre: IeGO is fuller and more sonorous but Oyaide, while more neutral, is just as natural. Transparency: Oyaide is clearly better. Sweetness: Oyaide is more fluid and refined. IeGO is a little coarse by comparison. In short: IeGO is mostly only to be preferred if you want to add extra body, color and substance to the bass and lower midrange. But it does remain a matter of careful balancing. Simply attaching 004’s to all cables in a given setup might not yield the desired result, either.
Pourquoi pas tester des shuko ou iec en argent ou plaqué??? style iec iego argent ou shuko iego argent
Using Google translate, your question does not come through very clearly: “Why not try shuko or iec in silver or plated ??? style iec iego money or shuko iego money”.
In general, I do not like silver plated connectors. IEC versus Schuko, however, is not an issue. Both connectors are worth upgrading and differences can be heard with both. My decision to go with different IECs for this test and use the same schukos has circumstancial reasons.
This is total “BS”. No matter what cable connector you use, it’s still a electricity. No matter what material in the connector, the nature of the electricity didn’t change a penny. Refer to the IEEE standard, there is no study on different type of electricity exists. People like you giving BS comment is making the audio world a big problem. Now everyone will spend thousand of their hard-shit money to get some stupid useless connector…all thanks to you….stupid FOOL!!! you should be shameful of yourself..
I don’t make things up. I report on what I hear and these differences are easy enough to hear in a system with good resolution. Why not take the effort to try this for yourself rather than being offensive?
Your name implies yourself!
BULLSHIT go home to your BULLSHIT YOKO system!!!
Hey Christiaan.
Thanks again for answer me in other article.
Well i am on the way to make diy cable.i try some gold plating and the furutech fI-050.The gold wasn t detailed and the 050 was too detailed lossing musicality.so my best i listen is the fI38 from that i listen and i think is the best option from somebody who dont like the fI 050.
Looking in oyaide i am thinking the differences between furutech 038 and oyaide 004.
Also if you know about m1/f1 it would be a piece o cake.
Hi Nick, did you try Furu FI-50 Gold or Rhodium? Either way, I think you will very likely prefer the smoother Furu 038 over the more precise Oyaide 004. I’m sorry but I don’t understand your question re m1/f1.
The 50’s was rhodium.i think it looses in musicality and is more detailed from the fI38.am i right?
So furu38 is smoother and oyaide 004 is more detailed?that about top end and mids?
My english is poor ….i am sorry.l ask you if you know details about oyaide m1/f1.if it smoother or more detailed from the furutech 38.
Yes, that’s what Rhodium typically does: more open and detailed but also cleaner and less smooth/warm than gold plating. And indeed this is most obvious in the treble and upper mids. Oyaide 004 is as detailed as the best connectors I know yet it sounds better than any pure Rhodium plating connector that I have tried. Still, I think you may be best served with the Furu 038. It is also quite detailed, but lush, warm, smooth. Oyaide M1 and F1 I have not tried but I would suspect that they have a different sound than Furu 038.
one last question if you know.
Could you let me know about the differences between the oyaide 046 ande the furutech fi38?!?!
in the price is very close.which for you is thw winner?!
I’ve not compared these two connectors in the same session but if I’d have to make an educated guess then I think that the Furu 038 is the fuller and creamier sounding one of the two. It’s got that typical copper/gold sound, the Oyaide is more neutral. In terms of detail, they are probably equal but the Oyaide 046 may be slightly more lively.
Thanks very much for your very useful review.
I’m about to build some cables for my monoblocks amps and I have some hesitations about what plug I should use…
I’m looking for a very smooth quite warm sound (my system is a bit bright, plus I look smooth sound)…
I’m thinking about Furutech FP-3TS762 for the cable (or maybe FP-TCS31… Do you have an opinion about these two cables?)…
As for the connectors… My heart balances between the Furutech FI-38/28, the Oyaide P004/C004 and the Oyaide P079/C079.
I know the Furutechs and I like them, but maybe I would like the others better.
What would be your advice? How do these three connector families compare?
From what you describes, I think I should go for the P079/C079… But maybe the Furutech are abetter, and still in the same kind of sound?
I read many reviews saying that the P004/C004 are bright or lack in bass. It looks that you don’t agree, but based on what you wrote, on the same time we can easily guess that the 079 are warmer and more lush. Do we lose a big amount of things when regressing from 004 to 079?
Would be very glad to read an answer from you. Hope you’ll be able to take some little time to answer me.
Sorry for the bad English, it’s not my former language.
Thanks again for your reviews!
The Oyaide 079’s and Furu 038’s are both smooth and warm, but the latter are most refined and a little bit more magical. FP-TCS31 is a very smooth-sounding cable, much more so than Alpha 3. I’ve not heard the FP-3TS762, sorry. P004/C004 are not bright, they are very neutral. For people coming from colored products, yes, they may appear bright. For your goal, I’d not go with the 004’s. These are best for people who do not want to have any filtering or smoothing effect, such as me, lately. When going from 004 to 079 you lose detail and resolution but the 079 is still a lot better than for example IeGO’s, in that field. The Furu 038’s are even better, perhaps almost as refined as the 004’s but warmer and more rounded on the leading edges.
Thank you very much for your very precise and fast comment. A real pleasure to get an answer so quickly after having spent some days veru puzzled, looking for the info on the web.
I’ll go with the 038, and at the same time my wallet will thank me, since they are less expensive than the P004/C004!
Haha yes, that’s an advantage, too!
Well, sorry to come back to you with another question, but what do you think about the more high-end plugs, like the Furutech FI-50(R), Furutech FI-50(R) NCF version, and the Oyaide M1/F1 plugs?
From what I read in the reviews, the FI-38 lose some of the dynamics, soundstage, detail and refinement of these plugs.
But maybe these higher priced plugs are all less smooth and warm? So, does this mean the FI-38/28 are the best smooth/warm plugs available?
Thanks again for your help.
I’ve not yet heard the FI-50’s nor the Oyaide M1/F1’s. After having heard many versions of both brands, I’m fairly certain that the Furutech house sound is always present. This is a subtle smoothness and slightly rounded-off transients, even when the resolution can be extremely high. I suspect that the top-end Furu’s will indeed be better than the 038’s but they remain Furutechs. Oyaide, on the other hand, does not really have a house sound: all their connectors sound different. And so it is impossible to tell what further improvements their top-end connectors might offer. That said, I think that the 004’s are already plenty expensive and so I don’t really feel compelled to give the higher end models a go.
For best smoothness and warmth, indeed, the 038’s are the best I’ve heard so far and, for their combination of qualities and when looking for warmth, I prefer them to the Oyaide 079, as well.
I ask you for advice
I’m going to make a power strips. I do not know what to choose as a cable between the wall outlet and a power strip?
Good association to put a belden with the Oyaide P004 connector? I want transparency and naturalness.
I want a neutral power strips.
This is an entirely personal matter. There is no “best” cable or connector, I’m afraid. That said, what I do personally, is to use solid core installation wire as the main cables hard-wired to the extension blocks and I use simple Bals Schukos for that. Oyaide 004 IECs I use only on the audio component ends of Belden cables, again using Bals Schukos in the extension blocks. This gives me the most solid bass and most natural and lifelike mids. But do note that I noted audible differences among seemingly similar cables from different manufacturers so some experimentation may be required to find the one that best matches your taste. Also, these cables do not provide the subjective refinement and air that Belden cables and Oyaide connectors typically do. Finally, over-using a good component can also throw off the balance so upgrade step by step. Don’t assume that if something is good in once place that it will be even better if applied everywhere.
Thank you for your answer.
what are you like schuko socket power strips?
My power extension blocks are really simple Popp models (now made under a no-name brand and a bit tough to find) made from aluminum and containing parallel (not star-wired) brass strips. The funny thing is that these have stood the test of time, even though I have heard many much more audiophile blocks but while they can enhance certain aspects, invariably I find that the overall balance is offset and so I stuck with my relatively simple blocks.
Hi Christian,
What kind of a socket did you plug Oyaide 004 into? It is difficult to find a wall outlet or power socket other than Oyaide having paladium platinum connectors. Can we use gold sockets?
I use very simple brass conductor extension blocks that used to be sold under the Popp brand but now seem to have no actual brand name. I don’t use esoteric wall outlets and only have limited experience with these. While they absolutely do make an audible difference, this is where I draw the line because I like to keep things relatively simple and just tweak the rest of the system as needed. Also, I found that too many tweaks can lead to a sound that is too filtered and I like to keep it pure. Same for fuses, which also absolutely work but I don’t swap out because that just makes life hard when comparing equipment. Although many people advise using same-material connections, I personally find that mixing and matching often yields the best results. More of the same is not always better. I’ve obtained great results with connections that use different platings so unlike you want to enlarge/maximize the effect of the Palladium Plated connectors by also using Palladium Plating, I would not worry about that.
Hello I would like to ask:
what is the difference in sound in a direct comparison between Oyaide P-079e and Furutech FI-E38G.
thanks in advance.
That is a very good question. They are very close indeed and I’d need to run a direct comparison in order to be able to provide a proper answer to this. As I am very busy with other reviews, that is not likely to happen any time soon so I’ll tell you how I think they deviate. Even though Oyaide generally sounds very detailed and explicit, their 079 is a very round sounding connector. It is truly deviating from their house sound. The Furutech 038 is smooth too, but very refined and I think it is actually more precise than the Oyaide, even though Furutech is not normally known for being very articulate. Bottom line: they’re both relaxed but my guess is that the 038 has a better balance between detail and smoothness than the Oyaide.
Hi Christian. Have you thought about adding tube and ss amps to comparisons on plugs and cables? I have great results on weiss dac by using 028/38 while it sounds boomy on bass and a little much cremier in all on lm150 amp. Adding amps will contribute to readers for having a wide understanding about limits of the products.
Hi Onuralp, sure I have! And depending on the circumstances, I do indeed use both. However, it is important to note that it is not amplifiers or tube amplifiers that respond differently than source components, rather a more generic matter of synergy between component and cable, or lack thereof. In most of my reviews of cables, I try them using various components just to cover as much of the variance that exists. In your examples, the Weiss is itself a clean and transparent sounding component while the LM150 is beefy and smooth sounding. I’m sure that I could find an amp that responds as your Weiss DAC does (ICE power amps spring to mind) and a DAC that responds like your LM150 (Ayon Stealth, for example). Anyway, it’s not bound to categories such as source components versus amplifiers or transistor versus tubes, is what I am trying to say.
Heiio Christiaan.
Thanks for your articles, I read with pleasure.
Please tell me how the Furu 038 Gold and IeGO 8085 Gold forks differ, which should I put on monoblocks?
Best regards
Hi Vladimir, the 038’s sound smoother and more fluid (and less propulsive/dynamic) and the 8085’s sound beefier, more dynamic, and more solid (but less refined and fluid). Which one is best for you depends on your system and your personal taste.
Thank you very much, let me ask you how much the difference is in their resolution? Is detail about the same level?
To my ears, the Furutechs are more finely resolving but this is also a matter of perspective. Just like a LOUD sound is not strictly a dynamic sound but many people do interpret it that way, the IeGO’s are rougher but also more explicit and forward, and to some ears, this makes it sound like the delivery is indeed more detailed. Very roughly speaking the Furu’s are a bit like classic Jeff Rowland/dCS/Nordost gear and the IeGOs more like classic Krell/Wadia/NBS gear.
Hello Christiaan
Talking about connectors from Furutech and Oyiade… I have been looking around and found a brand called Wattgate…
What is your thoughts comparing to Furutech and Oyiade ?
I am thinking of Wattgate 390i AG
I have bought the Belden 19364 cable
Best regards
Hi Michael, Wattgate connectors are made by Marinco. They were among the first, if not THE first, to issue connectors especially for hifi. They are a good quality mid-level product, like the Bals schukos. I’ve used the copper versions a lot in the past. These sound more similar to IeGo than Furutech and Oyaide, which is more earthy and sonorous and less airy and super-refined. However, I have not heard later models with high-end platings such as the one you mention. It may well be that these are a different story. 19364 is the standard Belden cable that I currently use for all equipment. It’s a neutral cable that does not incur blur or smoothness and neither sounds too tight or too bright. Belden 83803 is a lot more expensive but offers more precision and refinement and an overall tighter sound. I tested it many years ago and it has a very different sound than the 19364 indeed. Very clean and incisive and “impressive” but you may not want to wire your entire system with it. Still, I’m entertaining the idea to try some again for certain key components.
Hello Christiaan
Thank you very much for quick reply. I enjoy reading your reviews.
Now that you know how Bricasti M15 sounds like, can you recommend a Oyaide connector for the M15 ?
Best regards
The M15 is a little relaxed and so I would not use any of the warmer-sounding connectors for it. I’d go with the C-004 in combination with a Bals schuko. Do note that all Furutechs and Oyaides bring that extra refinement at the cost of some dynamic expression. The C-004 does this the least of all the Oyaides that I tested. But if you use the Oyaide 004 schuko in addition to the C-004 then the sound does becomes a little too polished and that does not pair well with the M15 as it is already polished itself. Also, I think the Belden 83803 might be a good match for this amp.
Thanks for the advice Christiaan , most helpful. I have the combo of M12 and M15. All connected with cables using Furutech i50R for power and interconnect. Using CF 601/CF602 xlr . It is very detailed and airy, but could need more body and more relaxed. For longer listenings it becomes a bit too much. Could you perhaps recommend a solution here ?
Best regards
The M15 is indeed very detailed and open but quite relaxed in the bass. IF you want to mellow down the midrange and treble using cables and connectors then that will inevitably have an impact on the bass as well. Btw, if you feel that you can use some more body and relaxation then I would definitely not recommend the Belden 83803. In fact, you might be better off with warmer sounding power cables than Belden 19364 and I would try a Furutech power cable, first with the i50R Furu connector you already have. You could also try a warmer sounding Oyaide such as the 079 but it also loses an amount of slam and dynamic attack compared to the 004. But its warmth may well work out for you.
There are power cables with more solidity than the Belden 19364 but they will usually also be more forward in the upper ranges. But a nice one that is not at all bright or edgy but very solid and sonorous down low is the Vermouth Reference. Maybe you can get one on a trial?
Finally, I’m assuming that you have already tried to remedy the situation by repositioning the speakers, a little backwards or with less toe-in, perhaps?
Did you notice they are color coded according to their sound?
After differents tests of Furutech plugs, i actually use iego gold 8085 schuko and iego pure silver rodhium plated 8095 iec with Furutech tcs31 on accuphase e450. Furutech fp3ts20 with dac cd and dvd. The duo iego 8085 and 8095 is much more refined than 8085 at both end.
This illustrates perfectly that the best results for a given system are always obtained by experimenting per component and not being afraid to mix and match.
I have experimented with IeGO a lot in the past but advanced designs such as the 8095 did not exist at that time. Back then there were only the pure copper, gold-plated and silver-plated versions.
I always found IeGO 8085 to sound more forceful and solid than any Furutech or Oyaide but at the expense of precision and openness. I have come to think of power connectors as some sort of tilt controls. They can change certain parameters but only by offsetting the balance but this always affects other parameters. Do you feel the same happens with 8095 versus 8085? In other words, does the 8095 retain all of the impact and solidity of the 8085 along with extra refinement?
Hi Christiaan, first excuse my english i’m based in France. I have the same conclusion as you about the iego 8085 : less refined than the Furutech but more powerfull bass but at the expense of openness. Add the 8095 iec change the balance for the best, good bass and airy , more precision. My Furutech fp3ts20 with this duo is my favorite cable on the audio gd 10.33 dac headphone amp (balanced Beyer T1) Now i want to try the tcs31 Whih fi38 schuko gold and 8095 iec for my other dac audio gd R8 and the accuphase e450. The iego iec 8095 pure silver is not expensive at 120€ and must be considered as an alternative to the very neutral 004 iec
Thank you for the additional information, Frederic!
Hi Frederic,
I want to fine tune my system by choosing carefully the two connectors on my powercord for the streamer. I have the same opinion about the Furutech house sound, which sounds less authentic. Like adding the same sauce over every track again and again..
I use a quite warm fluid cable (AN Isis) and I’m thinking of the 8095 pure silver plugs, but maybe I would prefer a tiny bit of more color/warmth.
How would you describe the difference between 8085 schuko + 8095 iec VS fi38(Furutech gold) + 8095 iec ?
Have you also tried the more expansive option of 8095 schuko and 8095 iec? I’m curious if going full silver still have a decent amount of warmth?
And what would happen if you choose 8095 schuko with 8085iec, I can guess the Schuko with more material will dominate the characteristics? So all the qualities of silver with a tiny bit more warmth and color perhaps?
Hi Nicktube, I wouldn’t worry about not having enough warmth with pure silver connectors. While not as full and warm as copper, I’ve heard and owned silver cables that sounded lush, sweet, and rich. It’s when conductors are silver-plated when they can (but don’t necessarily do) obtain a hard edge. A schuko connector may in some cases indeed have a larger impact than an IEC connector but this also ties in with the materials of the mating connectors. I don’t think I would make a general statement about this.
Thank you Christiaan, as always very helpful
Hi Nicktube, on my system the iec plug have a little more impact than the schucko, I think (but never try) a 8095 schuko + 8095 iec must be excellent. I use now on my Technics sl g700 CD player and streamer a Yarbo sp 1100w power cable with Fi 38 and 8095 iec, I recommend it over the tcs31 for much better bass
Hi Christiaan
have any of you tried the combination with Gold Schuko plug and Rhodium plated iec plug? Furutech , Oyiade or LeGo
best regards
Sure, I tried that with Belden cable and Furutech Alpha 3. I found that both gold and rhodium have distinctive characters that are usually audible even when mixed. Gold makes a little warmer and smoother while rhodium makes a little airier and more open. A combination of the two can work out well but depending on your view you could say that either the gold connector is diminishing the openness of the rhodium connector or the latter is adding a leanness and whiteness to the former. In the end, it remains a relative matter and it is about achieving the right balance in a given situation.
Hello Christiaan
I have decided to follow your suggestion about powercable for my Bricasti M15 amp.
Bals schucko and Oyiade c004 trying with diffenrent Belden calbles 19364, 83803 and the new cable from Belden that takes the best of the two cables
I cant remember what you choosed for the M21…. maybe you can guide me there ?
Best regards
Hi Michael, please note that the cable that is branded to “combine the best of the two” is actually more like a regular 19364 with red sleeving. The real 83803 may be a nice alternative though. For the M21 I used the same Belden/Bals/Oyaide C-004 cable.
Do you (or anyone here) have more experiences with these 3 Belden power cords?
Did you every try the new Furutech nano-liquid treated AC cable wire, i.e., the FP-S032N or even the FP-S55N? Any thoughts on those? And how do you think those wires would mate with the Oyaide P-004/C-004? Also any other wire that you like particularly with these Oyaide connectors – copper, silver-copper, brand, etc?
Hi Hasan, I’ve not tried these power cables but I did use the NanoFlux speaker cable. While it was highly refined and airy and well-detailed, I found it to be a little bit too round and polished for my taste. Especially in the bass, I felt that I lost some tightness and speed compared to the Jorma no.3 and Jorma Trinity. Considering my experience with other Furutech power cables, I’m inclined to conclude that this is the Furutech House-Sound. I’m admittedly stuck on Belden 19364 which really is not anything special but is very neutral and works very predictably for me. I have tried many (audiophile and non-audiophile) off-the reel bulk cables but always found that while they invariably enriched the sound or added color, they also usually thicken the sound and slow the perceived PRaT. In other words, usually, you obtain certain advantages but at the cost of certain disadvantages, and while it certainly should exist, I’ve not yet found a cable that is just as neutral as the Belden yet “better” across the board. You could, however, look at Belden 83803 which uses Teflon and sounds considerably more audiophile than the 19364 (tighter, more revealing, more refined) but might be perceived as overly analytical, depending on your stance. This cable should also work well with the Oyaide 004 connectors.
That is very helpful, thank you Christiaan. I am going to try that with the Oyaides. I did order some DH Labs Redwave wire too, so it will be very helpful to compare that with the Belden you suggest.
Sure thing Hasan. Let me know how the DH Labs Redwave cables compare with the Beldens.
I have a question about these Oyaide P-004/C-004 US AC connectors I have. Hope you don’t mind the question. According to the instructions provided by Oyaide, one of the terminals is supposed to be marked N and the other L. I don’t actually see any such markings against the terminal openings. Am I missing something? How should I know which one is Hot and which is Neutral?
Hi Hasan, these marks are on the outside of the female connector, right next to the holes where the male contacts would enter. Also see my IEC connector standards insights page for the general rules (which coincide with Oyaide’s instructions).
I have a question about these Oyaide P-004/C-004 US AC connectors I have. Hope you don’t mind the question. According to the instructions provided by Oyaide, one of the terminals is supposed to be marked N and the other L. I don’t actually see any such markings against the terminal openings. Am I missing something? How should I know which one is Hot and which is Neutral?
Not to worry Christiaan. I see it nw. Thanks anyway.
Hi Christiaan:
For what it may be worth to you and your other readers, I thought I would give the results of my detailed trials over the last six months. I benefited from your suggestions and advice above so I definitely want to thank you and acknowledge that. I tried various Oyaide connectors (P-004/C-004), Furutech (FI-28R, Fi-48R, Fi-50NCF), and Cardas E5 connectors. With these connectors I have tried Belden 19364 & 83803 wire, Furutech FP-S55N and FP-S032N wire. I also used some very good (best for me perhaps along with the Furutech) wire from the no longer extant company BPT – this BPT wire is a hex cable with six 12 gauge wires used as three pairs) high current and a noise cancelling spiral Hex cable design. The wire is 99.99% pure copper litz wire and perhaps a close alternative that is still available is VH-Audio’s star quad design. For me the most reliable all-round connectors are the Oyaide P-004/C004 paired with either the BPT wire and the Furutech FP-S032N. I have a pair of the ultimate Furutech FI-50NCF Rhodium paired with the FP-S55N and these are indeed also very good of course, but I find that with my quite powerful Parasound amps the music becomes a bit uncontrollably heavy in lower mid-range and bass. For me the amps run best with the Oyaide P-004/C-004 and FP-S032N. The Furutech FI-50NCFR/FP-S55N cables are very good going into my DAC and I will also try it eventually going into my external crossover (I don’t use a preamp but I do have an active external crossover before the amps and after the DAC). A very interesting find for me, not mentioned above is the Cardas E5 connector. It is very good also, and maybe the equal (or better?) of the Oyaide P-004/C-004. I find it very clean and even sounding across the spectrum. I use the Cardas E5 connectors with BPT wire going out of the wall and into my power conditioner. Anyway so much for my experiments with AC connectors. Now I need to work on XLR connectors, and you may see some questions from me on your review of the Final Touch XLR cables. Thanks again
Hi Christian. Can I ask for advice with Oyaide 046 and 079? Which of them more presents the lower frequency band, ie the bass. Thank you for yours answer. Sorry for english.
The 046 sounds tighter and the 079 woolier but neither of them has ballsy bass, actually none of the Oyaides do. IeGO 8085 gold-plated connectors do sound more solid and fullbodied than the average connector.
Thank you for answer. Please also comment on the bass of the gold-plated Furutech connectors (type F1-11). Are they similar to Oyaide or do they have more or less bass? Thank you so much for your willingness.
Hi Dusan, please do a search on HFA for Furutech connectors as there are a couple of reviews that detail what you are looking for. In short: with the exception of the Oyaide 079 power connectors, Furutech does not generally sound like Oyaide. If you want the biggest bass impact then IeGO is best.
Hello Christiaan
Being inspired from your reports on Oyaide connectors and Belden cable, I have build a P 079 and C 004 Oyaide with Belden 19364. How long time would you give it for burn in time before serious listening ?
Does the standby time of the amp counts as well ?
Best regards
Michael Gravlund
Hi Michael, these cables and connectors burn in rather quickly. Usually, the bulk is done during the first hours, with most of the remainder happening overnight and the last bit over the next couple of days. For this process, power needs to flow so not much will happen with an amp on standby.
Thanks for your reply. By the way, I need more Belden 19364 cable for my next power cable. I am really happy with the sound of the P079/C004 combo. Thanks for your suggestion Christiaan. But I cant find any who have the Belden cable. I use to buy from England, but now because of Brexit it becomes too expensive. Is there some dealers in the Netherlands ?
Best regards
My go-to address is JouwHifi where they sell the cable for 7,95 per meter. Alternatively, you could try Studio Alkmaar. You might also find it on Ebay. Note that Belden 19364 is often advertised as simply “Belden 2,5mm2 or 2,1mm2 power cable”. Strictly speaking, what I use is the latter variant but it seems that this is often sold as 2,5mm.
Hi Christiaan,
I trust you’re well. I’ve decided to stick with UK power sockets, having explored having Oyaide/Belden/Bals Schuko made-up in order to follow this recommendation by you.
Could you advise on how to select a UK plug that might be ‘equivalent’ somehow to the Bals Schuko in style, so that I can order Belden/Oyaide/[UK plug], please?
I am so happy with the rest of my system, by the way (thanks to you!). It’s a combination of Audio GD/Nuprime AMG-STAs/Wilson Benesch standmounts with Filoflex cabling. It sounds so sweet (!) & I’ve recently improved it substantially with two REL subs & a professional Dirac calibration, via a Minidsp digital device.
Best wishes,
Hi Jason, fab, good to hear you are happy with the results and it’s always great to hear that my reviews have been of help. Alas, I have absolutely zero experience with UK power plugs so I can’t be of any help there. But the Bals really is nothing special by design, it just happens to be accidentally good. But there’s always more than one road to Rome:-)
Hi Christiaan,
I would be very interested in building a power cable with the Belden/Bals/Oyaide C-004 combination. I have some questions on termination and I wonder if you could help me?
1) Do you use bare wire ends or do you terminate the wire ends with wire sleeves (adereindhulzen) first?
2) I see on quite some videos people twisting the wires with their bare hands. It would seem this ‘contaminates’ the connection. Do you treat the bare wire with special care (gloves?) or do you treat the wire with some fluid first?
Looking forward to your answers. And stay in good health!
Hi Henk, the official method is to use end sleeves. However, I have found that this can add an audible edge to the sound. Also, Belden wire is so stiff that you can easily make a solid and durable bare connection. Indeed, it is said that acids on the skin can affect copper over time, however, I’m not sure of the audible effect of this. Just to be on the safe side I always use a piece of cotton to twist the wires with. I don’t treat or clean wires but I do cut off as much length as needed to find a fresh-looking piece of conductor material. The biggest threat, however, is oxygen. But as long as the connections are made tightly, only the exposed part of the copper will oxidize.
Hi Christiaan,
Thank you for the quick reply. This certainly is useful information in a jungle of information on the internet.
Many thanks,
hello Christiaan
I have to make a very long power cable. my shucko wallplug is at other end of the room and I have until now used a old Furutech powercable FB-3TS862. But it is very thick and impossible to fit with Balsschucko plug and even Oyaide iec. My idea is to use the Belden 19364. it is going to be used to the PS Audio P10 regenerator. what do you think ?
I will use C004 Oyaide iec and bals schucko plugin
best regards
Michael Gravlund
Hi Michael, all Furutech cables have the Furutech house sound. There’s always lots of refinement and good transparency but also a consistently smooth and polished presentation. Going to the Belden you will find the bass becomes leaner and tighter and the midrange less rich and warm. For me, this is closer to neutrality and since I no longer like an over-polished sound, I prefer the Belden. But do note that if you’re used to Furutech, the Belden may sound comparatively dry. The C004 IEC does help, as do Furutech connectors, but I’m not sure how much of this effect, or that of the cable altogether, remains after passing through the power regenerator. I’m afraid you’ll have to try it to find out. If you do, by all means do let me know your findings.
Hello Christiaan
I need a long powercable ( 10 meters) and have been thinking of Belden 19364 with Bals shucko and Oyaide C004 iec. my wallplug is a bit away from my setup and this cable will be connecting to the PS Audio P10 regenerator. Right now I am using Furutech FB – 3TS 862 but it is so difficult to fit the connectors on. very thick and stiff. do you any thoughts about the choice ?
best Regards
Michael Gravlund
Hi Michael, I agree that mounting connectors to the thick Furutech FB3TS cable can be a real crime. You could strip the outer sleeve for 5 cm (2 inch) or thereabouts and substitute with shrinkwrap.
Hello Christiaan
Thanks for the advice on mounting connectors.
The Belden/C004 cable has just been running for a day but I can already hear a better clarity , airier and more transperance. It is still smooth but more precise and neutral. Imthink that is a good match with the Bricasti. So absolute a change in the sound switching the cable. Earlier I replaced the Furutech fl38/fl58 with the rhodium Fl50 connectors.
I have been recommended to try some power cables from Gotham Audio. Going to be interesting to hear the difference
Hi Michael, glad to have been of help, and nice to hear the Belden/Oyaide is working out for you! Indeed, I also think that Bricasti works best with neutral and open-sounding cables. You might also try a Gigawatt power cable but be aware: the entry-level model that I heard has a very tight and clean sound and is even a little dry, so don’t use too many of them. I’ve not heard the Gothams but once you’ve tried them, then do let me know how they compare!
Complètement faux. Les câbles et connecteurs jouent un rôle aussi important que des câbles de modulation et ce pour le même courant électrique. Faut faire des tests avant de dire n’importe quoi.
I have belden 19364 with Oyaide C-004 IEC on one end of a cable with a Bals Schuko on the other end. The sound is very clear, quick and articulate, but also very forward or to forceful. With adding Oyaide P-004e Schuko I could expect more refined sound. But how to tame this exceeded forwardness ? Is Oyaide P-004e the right solution ? Is C-079 or even something from Furutech a better solution for my case ?
Thank you for your answer.
Swapping the Bals for the C004 schuko will indeed add refinement als also tame the forwardness to some degree. If you want to take that further and don’t mind adding warmt and smoothness, then the 079 connectors are a good alternative. Otherwise, another cable than the Belden might be a better idea since it is indeed a very direct-sounding cable that for some tastes and in some combinations is on the rough side.
Can somebody comment on Iego 8095 IEC vs Oyaide C-004 ? Frédéric did it a bit and seems to have gone this way. I have a power cable consisting in Iego 8085 Schuko/Lessloss bulk cable / C-004 IEC which I’d like to shift the balance towards more naturalness/roundness/relaxation (without losing impact), openness and overall fullness. I read here and there that the C-004 could have sometimes a not so smooth and sometimes nude rendering. What should i expert in fitting 8095 IEC ? Of course, the more I do connectors rolling, the more I’m confused : ) Yet our ears are merciless and they continue demanding effort if not 100 % satisfied. And thanks for this very interesting thread.
Hello Jean-Marie,
I have built a power cable to the same specs as Christiaan uses, i.e. Bals schuko, Belden 19364 and Oyaide C-004. I have been using this cable for a Leema Pulse MkII in combination with PMC Twenty.23 LS for some weeks now. Some would probably consider this a somewhat “cool-sounding” combination. My experience, however, is that sound opened up quite a lot, a lot more space and air in all directions, much tighter bass and much improved. Definitely no warmth added, but forwardness? Not to my taste.
About the connector rolling: Take your time and give time to the changes you make. And don’t forget, it’s about your music and your listening pleasure. Enjoy!
I noticed I forgot something …
My experience, however, is that sound opened up quite a lot, a lot more space and air in all directions, much tighter bass and much improved DYNAMICS.
Hello Henk, thank you for your message. I undestand what you experienced with this combination. I also get a very open and quite dynamic sound. I replaced the cable with a spare full Furutech one (S022 and FI-11 G at both ends) : it’s like comparing a 110 m hurdles runner and a sunday morning jogger : ) Yet in my case there is a kind of edginess associated with a taming of high frequency content, and a not totally satisfying body. Not very emotionnaly involving, more playing music than really singing. I read here that iego 8085 has more body than C-004, and I hope the 8095 too (don’t want to had warmth), and I have to C-004 (DAC and headphone amp), with headphones that need to be fed with body… So I will try swapping one of the IEC C-004 to diminish the cumulative effect. Meanwhile I emailed the french Iego importer which states the 8075 RH is the meatier one… I’m waiting is opinion too. I feel the goal is not far, but I’m still facing multiples ways to chose !
Hello i have the cd player audio analogue maestro se and power cable furutech fp-s022n I have it with economical wattgate 320 evo and 360 evo.I have tried c-037 και p-037e and the sound was dry and a little bright.-Τhen I tried furutech fi28-fi38 gold there the sound was too hot maybe because ,I have the FI28-FI38G in amplifier and socket. so I got better wattgate.What would you suggest for an upgrade without losing music but not adding warmth? I thought of two solutions, oyaide p-46 p-036 and furutech fi28-fi38 rhodium. thank you!
I recommend Oyaide C-004 with a simple Bals schuko or if you want to increase the effect also P-004. This will add refinement and resolution without rounding as much as the Furutechs do or adding tonality deviations as many of the other Oyaides do.
Thanks a lot, I will put the C-004, Now if I do not put schuko bals and put the wattgate schouko will it be about the same ??
The Wattgate IECs that I used sound different from either Oyaide or standard connectors such as the Bals and of course there are now various Wattgate types that I have not heard but the net result, when combined with the Oyaide C-004, might still be to your liking. This is one of those cases where you just have to try it for yourself. But why not just (also) get a couple of Bals connectors to try? They are dirt-cheap.
Dear Christiaan, which IEC/Schuko connectors would you recommend for a top tube system like an all Zanden classic or Shindo system? I would like to go in natural way, more neutral than too much smoothed, but still full of colors and airy sound, with body/flesh/blood. After all still neutral, fast, clear to keep the characters of the components.
Would you prefer Oyaide 004 over Furutech 038? Or something different? Maybe Viborg 512?
Thanks for any informations, kind regards, Balázs
Hi Balazs, Of the connectors that I have tested, I would recommend Oyaide 004 over Furutech. However, too many 004’s can also have a smoothing effect which is why I prefer to combine them with Bals schukos. I have not heard the Viborgs.
Hello Christiaan,
do you consider the C004 the best transparent/neutral IEC nowadays, too?
I have to decide between this and the IeGo 8095.
thank you
Hi David, it’s been some time since I experimented with Schuko- and IEC connectors and I have not heard the IeGo 8095 but indeed I still consider the 004 to be the most transparent and neutral. Just be careful with it as it is strong medicine. Too many of them can make the sound restrained or polite. That is why I combine them with a Bals Schuko on the same cable for a more upfront and more expressive balance that is more ideal for me and my system.
Hi Christiaan,
and thank for the response. I won’t use a Schuko plug, I will connect the IEC throught power cord Duelund DCA12GA 600V, to the dedicated line of the system , from the home counter. The IeGo 8095 is interesting because pure silver and should be very neutral, as the Oyaide 004.
Extrapolating what I know from using lots of IeGO 8085, I would imagine that their 8095 will still sound quite different from an Oyaide C-004. When thinking of several layers of different material plating versus pure silver, you might find the IeGO to be less refined/polished but more solid/saturated (an educated guess…) Which one will be better for your application I’m afraid can only be ascertained in one way… by just trying:-)
Hello, is the oyaide shuko 004 fast and precise? thank
Compared to an FI38R furutech? thank you Franck
Yes, much more so, although it retains a highly refined and subtly polished nature. See also this Furutech review.
Hello , you know vondita oyaide cable? He is fantastic!!!!! compared an FI50ncf and C 004 oyaide for dynamic and precision? I love the dynamic . Thank you Christian
Hi Christian
As I understand you’ve, more or less, moved on from using the Belden 19364. Despite that I’d like to thank you for opening my eyes to the world of ”non-hifi” power cords and the Belden specifically. My system is more musical because of this!
One way of paying forward is sharing my results in finding the ”right” connectors to use. Having tried the combination you settled on (very good!) I tried some other alternatives and finally found what I wanted with the Furutech FI-E11 (Cu) and ETI Research Legato IEC (G). Maybe one day this may be of use to you.
Hi Marcus, indeed, the Belden is no longer my default go-to cable, but I do still use it for the A1.5 power amp, and also sometimes for review components. It remains a trusty cable. You’re right: it is important to find the ideal connector combination and this can be different for any given situation, and of course ties in with personal preference. I tried the Furu E11 but it was not ideal for me. I’ve not yet used or heard the ETI Legato power connectors, but thanks for the tip.
Hello , do you know the ETI OR schuko? they are renowned ! thant you
Should test them please ( eti or en schuko and iec)
Hi Frank and Franck, I’ve not yet used or heard the ETI Legato power connectors, but when I do, I will consider adding an article.
Christian, any suggestions regarding schucko apart from Bals?
Hi Marcus, well, it has actually proven hard to find a connector to beat the Bals while retaining its good qualities. Sure, there are better connectors in terms of refinement, air, or resolution, but not while retaining the Bals’ no-nonsense earthy robustness.
Thank you for your reply!
Agreed, many somehow end up shifting the sound towards “hifi” rather than music.
Hi Christian, just wanted to add a final update. After your comments about the Furutech FI-E11 (cu) not being ”ideal” for you I decided to also try the Furutech FI-E38 (r) with the Belden 19364 and ETI Legato (G). This proved to be an improvement over the FI-E11’s. I’m happy with these two connectors (plus the Bals) and will use a combination of them on all equipment going forward. Take care!
One should never write ”final” when it comes to anything relating to hifi…
The Belden 19364 with Furutech FI-E38 (r) and ETI Legato IEC (g) works very well connected to amplifieriers, but it didn’t work equally well on my source gear.
Instead I made another Belden 19364 this time with Bals Schuko and a Furutech FI-C15 NCF (r). It’s fast and clean on the source gear which suits me better. Depending on how things develops I’ll keep it or switch from the Furutech to an Oyaide C-004. I’ll probably end up with your preferred combo.
Thanks for your feedback. Indeed, we’re never done learning, and it’s never final:-) When it comes to audio, it’s all relative, and it is always good to double-check a favorite cable with each new component.
So I ended up using Oyaide C-004 with BALS Schuko. In comparison the Furutech FI-C15 NCF (r) is less resolving and too smooth for my taste. I also decided to build a Belden 19364 with the combination of Oyaide C-004 and P-004e which also turned out great. These combinations align really well with my preferences.
Happy New Year!