Listening part 2 – using my basic power setup
After the intriguing results using the Ansuz power cable and distributor, I was curious to find out how the Sparkz and Sortz would respond when used with my regular power cables and distributors. In order to find out, I reconnected my simple and unfiltered Popp/Eurolite aluminum 8-output distributors with cables made of the same type of solid-core installation wire instead of the Ansuz Mainz D2 power cable and Mainz8 D2 distributor. The system itself, incidentally, was connected using the same cables as before in the full-Ansuz situation.
1 x Sparkz
Just as in the full Ansuz power situation, adding one Sparkz TC2 adds a lot of charm! The one unit alone already makes the performance more fascinating while doing very little harm. What harm it does, in my view, is to make fast rhythmic bits feel a little less urgent and incisive. For some music such as electronic and R&B, this made me prefer the “naked” distribution block while for smooth jazz, soul, and other more introspective music, I preferred the use of the Sparkz TC2. And I would even go as far as to say that my simple power setup benefited more than the full Ansuz power setup.
2 x Sparkz
Just as I heard it before with the complete Ansuz setup, again, two Sparkz TC2 work together to tighten up the sound significantly, but this time, with my basic and already very tight-sounding power setup, I feel that the result is now just a bit too controlled, even more so than when no Sparkz are used. While the effect of added precision is fascinating, I feel that just the one Sparkz TC2 created a more ideal balance between accuracy and flow.
1 x Sortz
Having removed the Sparkz from my power distributor, I proceeded to test a single Sortz Supreme in one of three components at a time. First, the L1 preamp, then the C1 DAC, and finally, the A1.5 power amp.
In the preamp, once again, the Sortz Supreme provided a smoother sound with more intimacy and a denser soundstage with a less technical, more organic flow and a slight amount of calming/damping in the transient behavior. Compared to the Sparkz TC2, I’d say that the effect on the soundstage was less profound while the calming effect was larger.
In the DAC’s separately-buffered secondary outputs, rather surprisingly, the Sortz Supreme had much more of a cleaning and tightening effect than the soothing and calming effect as heard in all the other circumstances so far. In this case (connected to the DAC’s outputs), the Sortz Supreme makes the sound tighter and more controlled, more explicit, and more outspoken while the soundstage and ambiance also respond differently. Rather than becoming more organic and free-flowing, the music now becomes faster and more staccato.
Well, I’ll be… Here I was, thinking I had these plugs already figured out entirely and just throwing in this last test for good measure. I’m glad I did, as it adds more facets to the Sortz’ potential application.
Having taken this extra step, I owed it to myself to also try the last possibility, which is the A1.5 power amp’s secondary inputs. On this, I can be short, as the effect was very similar to the inputs of the L1 preamp.
But what would happen if I used all three versions, in the DAC, the preamp, and the power amp?
All Sortz
Well, as it turns out, using Sortz in each of the aforementioned three CH Precision audio components results in magic! It’s still not quite as explicit or incisive as using no Sortz, but there is no denying the enhanced rhythmic expression as compared to using any single Sortz or Sparkz, nor the extra dimension in the soundstage, the enhanced sustain and decay, or the increased fluidity and flow.
All Sortz and Sparkz
Now, for my final experiment, let’s see what happens when I leave the three Sortz pairs connected to the three components and add the two Sparkz TC2 to the power distributor.
Now, something unexpected happened! Remember that two Sparkz TC2 made the sound tighter than when using one? Well, when using all the Sortz, adding the Sparkz TC2 pair actually adds smoothness, intimacy, and flow, while the soundstage gets deepened just a little bit more.
I’m not sure if Ansuz has intended the system with this outcome in mind, but the best way to describe the combined effect is to say that my solid-state system has now attained various aspects typical of tube amplification. Since I use the CH components for their transparency and brutal honesty, this is perhaps not the ideal balance for me personally or for my review work but I can imagine that many other ears will be utterly fascinated by the effect. In any event, there is no denying that the effects are real and they are easily audible!
So there you have it: with Ansuz Sortz and Sparkz, one can tweak a system either way, from calmer, more intimate, and more seductive to cleaner, tighter, and more controlled.
Equipment Chassis Earthing
All CH Precision components offer the possibility to connect the Analog Signal Ground to the Chassis Earth & Digital Ground. For the C1 DAC and the A1.5 amp, I prefer the sound with the Chassis connected but with the L1 preamp, I find that the music flows just that bit more freely if the chassis is kept floating.
By default, Aries Cerat also offers a ground lift feature but for my unit, this is fixed to always connected. These differences may seem trivial but I’m sure that if I swapped some of the CH component’s earth jumpers, the situation might further change. But honestly, I think I’ve introduced enough variables for this review.
Sparkz or Sortz?
There’s no question, for the largest effect, the two should be combined, certainly, if soundstage depth and intimacy are highest on the priority list. All things considered, while the two products share some similarities, I am most impressed by the Sparkz, and especially by the TC2 units. However, given that no two systems are alike and personal preferences will vary, I recommend a personal audition or both to find the ideal combination for the situation at hand.
Whether or not one is into tweaks or enhancers such as Ansuz Sortz and Sparkz, my tests have shown that there is simply no debate whether or not they work. Trust me, even the addition of a single Sparkz or Sortz in an otherwise standard setup already makes a large difference. I double-checked my findings in an audio buddy’s system and sure enough, the outcome was the same. And when my non-audiophile, but highly perceptive neighbor Jessyca came by with a pile of LPs for me to wash, she was curious to hear the Sortz and Sparkz. Without telling her what to listen for, she picked up on all the aspects that I noted in this review.
So what are these mysterious effects of which I am talking? As it turns out, this depends not only on the power supply and the system but also on which component they are applied to. This is why I recommend reading the entire review instead of relying only on my summary. But in general, both the Sortz and Sparkz bring density and intimacy to the imaging as well as a distinct increase in soundstage width and depth along with a calmer, richer, and more fluid presentation.
With respect to the effects of the Sparkz and Sortz, I have a feeling that there will be two camps of people. On the one hand, there are those who place intimacy, relaxation, ambiance, and organic flow at the top of their wishlist, and on the other hand, those who focus heavily on the rhythmic aspects of music, call them the traditional Naim crowd. My feeling is that the latter group will be less enamored with the addition of these products while the former group will quickly fall in love with them. But as mentioned, you should really hear the effects for yourself.
External Links
Distributor for the Netherlands: Ohm Audio
Manufacturer: Ansuz
Excellent and typically thorough review thank you. Also kudos to Ansuz for letting us look inside their devices. There’s been if not a flood at least a stream of Sparkz type devices on the market of late. I use two similar products myself Furutech NCF Clear, and High Fidelity MC-0.5. Similar in shape and application if not technology I should say.
I’ve never seen inside either one but I would very much agree they seem to give the music a more relaxed quality overall. The Ansuz products are intriguing I hope they find their way stateside.
Thanks Jon!
Hello Christiaan
Great review of Ansuz products….
Those Sortz and Sparkz have indeed lifted my system up to a new level. Because of reducing noise in the system, makes it play at it best. and adding even more of those makes it just better
All the best