Mad Scientist Black Magic Ultra and Black Magic Gold

Black Magic Gold USB cable
Given my prior experience with the Mad Scientist USB cables and speaker cables, and especially the Black Magic interlink, an expectation had formed in my mind. I wondered, would all Black Magic Cables have the trademark earthy robustness and solidity?
And indeed, the Black Magic Gold USB cable performed in line with my expectations. In fact, connected between the Antipodes Oladra server and the CH C1.2 DAC, the Black Magic Gold USB cable sounds almost as solid and powerful as the Final Touch Audio Sinope, and given that the latter is the most robust-sounding USB cable I have heard so far, that is saying something.
Solidity and earthiness aside, meaningful differences place the two cables in different camps. The Black Magic Gold is sweeter, more liquid, and more refined, making for a sound that is robust and has great tonal beauty but is also fluid, accommodating, and easy to listen to. It is not entirely as immediate and articulate as the Sinope, but neither does it have any of that cable’s dryness or bluntness. In these regards, the Black Magic Gold USB deviates significantly from the Black Magic Gold interlinks.
Since USB interfaces can have a major effect on the sound, I double-checked with the Taiko Audio Extreme music server, but sure enough, the relative differences with the Final Touch Audio cable remained unchanged.
Above: Black Magic Gold USB; Below: Black Magic Ultra USB
In comparison with the original Black Magic Ultra USB cable that I reviewed in 2022, the new Black Magic Gold is stiffer, but as the manufacturer confirmed, it is perfectly safe to bend. And once the cable has been curved into position, it will stay put. The added stiffness of the Gold model is caused by the updated shielding method, which, as I found out when comparing the Black Magic and Black Magic Ultra speaker cables, has an amazingly large impact on the sound.
Granted, in a USB cable of the same design, with the only changes being different conductor material and more attention to damping, one might not expect to hear earth-shattering differences. But, boy, the superiority of the Black Magic Gold is not subtle! The Black Magic Ultra was already beautifully refined, but the Gold adds what feels like infinite resolution. There is simply no edge, hardness, or stepped behavior. Instead, the sound feels entirely continuous and with delightful delicacy. Yet, the dynamic behavior of this cable is also remarkable. It has a perfect balance between airy magic and down-to-earth solidity, making it just as refined as exciting.
For the final comparison, I involved the Vermouth Audio Reference USB Cable in a new session the next day. This cable inhabits a much lower price category, but nevertheless, I’ve been using it a lot as an alternative to the Final Touch Audio Sinope cable. When starting with the Vermouth, all is well, and I find that it is easy to get engulfed by the music as it washes over me with lots of air and fluidity. But after swapping to the Black Magic Gold, all it took was 3 seconds to realize just how big the performance gap is between these two cables. With the Black Magic Gold, the background is noticeably blacker and quieter, while dynamic bursts are much more explosive and immediate. In the midst of its powerful delivery, it remains fluid and refined, while resolution and transient behavior are impressive.
Black Magic Ultra Power Cable
As might have been expected given the emerging house sound, the Black Magic Ultra Power Cable offers much of the same benefits as the interlink and USB cable. It has a similar overall character: solid, chunky, weighty, and full-bodied. Unlike the USB cable but like the interlink, the power cable is slightly dark while offering deep tonal saturation and a relaxed delivery without tilting over into sweetness or creaminess. That is not to say the cable is matter-of-fact. Actually, it is far from it. It is solid and down-to-earth for sure, but it also injects the music with a touch of magic and very nice soundstaging whilst also being highly resolving. As with the interlink, it is interesting to hear the power cable combine an iron fist in terms of control, impact, and slam with a remarkably full-bodied tonality. This is certainly a very musical cable, but whereas that term usually implies a relatively high level of smoothness, this cable is very well-balanced.
When comparing the Black Magic Ultra power cable with the GigaWatt LC-2 EVO power cable that I normally use to power the CH C1.2 DAC, the latter is more incisive, subjectively faster, and more revealing. But the LC-2 is also lean, very direct, and relatively unforgiving. I chose it, especially for that purpose, so that I can hear exactly what the connected component is doing. And when it fits, it can work wonders for precision, articulation, and transparency. But I will admit it is not a universally applicable cable, whereas the Black Magic Ultra certainly is. The more I listened to it, the more I felt that the sound was just right. As with the Black Magic Gold USB cable, my mind was consistently taken from the technical side of the sound while I was emotionally pulled into the lyrical performance of the music. That is always a good sign. And I should add that, were the cable not sufficiently detailed, my technical mind would have interrupted my emotional enjoyment at some point, but that did not happen, which might seem like faint praise but actually speaks volumes.
When compared to a different GigaWatt cable, the fuller-sounding PowerSync Ultra, when powering the CH L1 preamp, surprisingly, the two cables are quite comparable overall, with similar tonality, body, and substance, but with subtle differences. The GigaWatt cable is just a bit more neutral and down-to-earth and slightly more open and expressive. The Black Magic Ultra, on the other hand, is a bit smoother, more fluid, and more relaxed.
Viborg connector with copper contacts
Ultimately, the GigaWatt may be preferred if absolute honesty is desired, while the Black Magic Ultra may be preferred for its more organic nature or if a more magical touch is preferred. Overall, in terms of quality, I would say it is a tie, which is interesting given the very different designs.
Next: Black Magic Ultra Speaker Cables and Conclusion
I am using their speaker and power cables for some time now, but not the interconnects. Thanks to your review I bought the digital and rca interconnects. Great cables and especially the performance jump by the digital cable surprised me. Never expected this.
I have been using the Black Magic cable for a few years now; been very happy with it.
Thanks for the article, I’ve now reached out to Bob to demo the Gold USB and excited to test it out!