Legendary, super-solid cable with a powerful sound
Not too long ago NBS was one of the most desirable cable makers and many an audiophile aspired to own one. The Monitor 0 cost no less than 6000 euro retail and so it is a much sought-after cable on the second-hand market. NBS cables all employ solid core conductors as far as I know, and the Monitor 0 really makes its construction obvious by being almost impossible to get into shape behind a rack. But unless you’re a reviewer, the bending is normally only done once and left alone for a longer time.
The Monitor 0 was listened to on a Devialet 120, a Rein Audio DAC and a Wadia 861 CD player. In all positions, it had a recognizable character: bold and dynamic. Its bass is articulate and full and remarkably solid. The midrange connects to the bass seamlessly, being of the same character and portrayed in a single “chunk” of sound. But as you move up the frequency range, a lack of resolution becomes more obvious, and the cable’s overall dark character finally makes it one to match in your system carefully.
Connectors used are disappointingly ordinary standard entry-level types: IEC is an Apsa. Schuko brand is not visible but is a similarly normal type.
The Monitor 0 has a similar character as the Wadia 861 and the Cardas Hexlink Golden 5C, both increasing the Wadia’s strong sides. This means an even more lifelike timbre with a very communicative midrange and bass to die for. But the Wadia’s less strong areas are also highlighted, meaning that the already not super-airy treble becomes darker still.
Although the Monitor 0 casts a soundstage larger than some other cables, it is not extremely spacious. Focus is not its forte: while there is an immense concentration of sound, imaging between the speakers is somewhat defocused more as is the case with live concerts, and likewise, the soundstage is not particularly finely layered. This effect is easiest to hear on the digital sources.
On the Devialet this was far less obvious and instead, the cable’s virtues were much more evident. But in this setup, the cable’s delivery was even a bit too powerful. But that also ties in with the Martin Logan speakers being a little close to the listening position. After having heard the cable with more sources, it is clear that the Monitor 0 really doesn’t sound forced or “in your face” in itself, but upon replacing it with another cable one realizes that it was actually so very powerful and visceral in its delivery that it makes more relaxed sounding cables almost unlistenable.
NBS cables have a reputation for matching well with Wadia sources. To some extent, I agree, but I do advise caution. If you like the Wadia’s character and think you can use more of it, by all means, go for an NBS, such as the Monitor 0. But if your sound already verges toward the dark, or is already a bit forward, then perhaps an NBS could be too much of a good thing. Although I have not experimented enough to know for sure I have a feeling that the cable also matches well with power amps. While too much of a good thing in my setup, the Monitor 0 definitely wakes up the Devialet 120 bringing it closer to the Devialet 200 in sound, and in earlier tests, 2 NBS Black Label II cables worked splendidly with Jeff Rowland model 102 amps.
Opinions will likely greatly diverge, but the Monitor 0 sure is an interesting, characterful power cable. Second hand this cable can be found at reasonable prices but I really wonder what its retail price tag is based on.
Beste Christiaan,
Ik heb een NBS Statement extreme netkabel. Ik heb de Furutech FI50 (R) en de dito IEC stekkers geprobeerd, die klinken me te afgerond/gladjes. Wat voor stekkers raad je aan voor NBS kabels in een set met een transistorversterker? Het is een algemene vraag, maar de keuze is zo lastig.
Vriendelijke groet, John
Think about it this way: the connector, in this case, is a sort of filter that changes the characteristics of the cable to be more pronounced in a certain field. To achieve this, it takes away something in another field. Most Furutech products do this: they add refinement but take away some immediacy. In fact, many aftermarket upgrade connectors have this effect, which is why after all my escapades I now keep things relatively simple.
If you want to retain all the expression of your NBS cable then it is best to leave the original (cheap) connectors on it. If you want to upgrade to achieve more refinement and subtlety but without losing too much of the cable’s original directness, I’d advise Oyaide 004. Don’t go overboard: just use a Bals schuko and only a 004 Oyaide for the IEC side.
i am a big Fan for your Site and reviews! Very detailed and with love! Thank‘s you very much!
It’s a big pleasures for me?
My Question:
Is it possible to test the actually NBS Audio Cable?
I am very interesting for the Model-Series “NBS III S“ .
1. AC Powercable
2. Speakercable
I need to test long cables,
but it is not possible for me, because the testcables are to short…
I use Cardas Speakercable (Clear Reflection), Interconnect Cardas Clear Beyond, and PS Audio AC12 Powercords.
I hope you have interest and time to test this cables.
Best regards, Stephan Kessel
PS: Sorry for my bad english!?