A very special CD transport, developed by Pierre Lurne in cooperation with Rene Boonen (designer of the famous Philips CDM4 transport) to maximize CD playback through minimized air friction and maximized platter size.
Soundwise, this transport is lucid, fast, open, and detailed. Yet there is no harshness or shoutiness; despite the agility, the sound remains fluid. It is, however, so very astute that it can come across as too controlled. The match with the Audiomeca Enkianthus DAC works well. On the other hand, the match with dCS Delius/Purcell combo is not great. This may have to do with the way the input receivers do their work, the Audiomeca being of the free-flowing kind.
Hello I have the Mephisto II CD Transport linked to a Naim DAC + Naim XPS-2 PSU and it sounds fantastic to my ears, I’m looking for a New Original Sanyo Laser head assembly if anyone knows of any please let me know, How can I go about upgrading the unit? I believe it’s possible to get very good sonic upgrade in sound quality, if anyone knows who + Where I could goto please get in touch with me,
Many thanks Nick Evans
Hi Nicholas, do check this article on the Lampizator site. It’s not a flattering story, I’m afraid, but it will give you some ideas. Personally, I think that many classic Philips CDM-4 or CDM-9 CD players can also make great transports given a recap and some optimizations in the power supply, adding extra regulation, a Tent clock, and a better digital output section. Sorry, I can’t be any more specific. I have long planned to make a page detailing this but so far can’t find the time.
Hi CHRISTIAAN Many thanks for your quick reply and the information you have provided me with, Do you not rate the sound quality of the Mephisto II Transport? It’s OK for you to be honest i don’t mind, My PSU doesn’t look like the other one I have seen just a plastic black box?, Can you please give me more details of people/company’s who can carry out the upgrades you have told me about?
Hi Nicholas, this is a mini-review, which is why I do not provide much detail. In any event, for me, the Mephisto II was a little disappointing compared to the Sony XA50ES on the one hand, and the classic Proceed and Marantz players that were flying by at that point, on the other. It wasn’t as liquid or as smooth as the Marantzes yet also not as articulate, fast, or exciting as the Sony. Ultimately, I found it just a little boring, and I didn’t use it at all, it was just sitting there looking pretty. and so, I sold it.
The Audiomeca CD player (not transport) came with a different power transformer housing, maybe that was in some cases also used for a batch of CD transports?
Sorry, I have no knowledge of repair shops outside of the Netherlands.
Many thanks for your quick reply and info, Hopefully the upgraded Mephisto II will be much better thank for telling me about your other rated transports
A Christian =>
Vous confondez le Mephisto 2 testé et modifié par Lampizator, et le Méphisto 2x.
Ce sont 2 appareils totalement différents, hormis leur Esthique.
Translation: “You are confusing the Mephisto 2 tested and modified by Lampizator, and the Mephisto 2x.
They are 2 totally different devices, apart from their Aesthetics.”
I owned the Mephisto II, which is what my listening comments refer to. I removed the “extra circuitry” reference, as it was indeed from a different Audiomeca model. Thanks for pointing that out.