Stiff, very stiff!
You cannot imagine how stiff this cable is until you hold it in your hands… If your component is a lightweight, chances are that it’ll float in the free air when you’ve connected these interlinks. You really have to pre-bend them into the right shape before connecting. This interlink probably also uses solid core conductors. But enough about their physicalities. How do they sound? In a word: lively. Very lively. In fact, these are the most dynamic and “live”-sounding cables I’ve come across. They even beat Cardas Hexlink in this regard. The sound is very present. They articulate immensely well, and they make all music very rhythmic and well defined as well as having very solid bass. The downside is that depending on the rest of your system, the sound can also become too controlled and even slightly dry. Especially the high frequencies lack the kind of airy refinement that Transparent but also Cardas Golden Reference and even Cardas Quadlink do offer. These cables present the music in a more breathing and organic atmosphere.