Apogee Scintilla – rebuild

The Scintilla dismantling and rebuilding process at Stanley’s place
The following 3 images show the end result: new cabinets for the Scintillas, made entirely out of plywood. Further below you’ll find more images detailing the process. The restoration project was a co-production between Stanley and his friends and Henk van der Hoeven, and Graz’ input was invaluable in terms of advice and of course for providing the new ribbons. Stanley stripped the speakers himself first, then a friend made the new frame, after which Stanley completed the woodwork, the stands and the mid and treble ribbons. Henk van der Hoeven finally took care of the bass ribbon and the front covers.
Sagging tweeter ribbon of the original speaker
Magnet arrays driving both midrange- and tweeter ribbons
Not for the weak-hearted – cutting out the old bass foil.
The naked woofer magnat arrays
New cabinet, with nicer integrated crossbars
The Scintilla’s crossovers were rebuilt using new components, according to an average of several measured pairs of Scintillas and the values found on forums. This route was chosen because the values used by Apogee could vary from specimen to specimen. All cables were replaced and there are some other small changes such as this bypass capacitor here.
Above: new, sturdy, adjustable stands. By default, Scintillas are tilted backward by a fixed amount. The new stands however allow adjustment of the tilt, and this can really make a large difference. Naturally the “ideal” tilt will vary according to the listening distance, but in Stanley’s case he ended up at approximately 1,5 degrees of tilt backwards.
The end result
Also read my Listening Impressions by clicking the Extensive Review link below.