Stands and Darkz
Stands are optionally available for both speakers, although, being custom-made, they are natural partners, and especially the 01 stand is the obvious and best choice for the 01 speakers. Both stands are compatible with Darkz decouplers but these are not included. As standard, both stands are fitted with Darkz feet. Note that Darkz Feet are different from Darks Decouplers. The Darkz Feet are round aluminum parts fitted with 4mm, 6mm, or 8mm threaded ends that can be screwed into the stands, or when purchased separately, optionally into the bottom of audio components. The Darkz Feet underside consists of a circular cavity/ridge that can interface with Darkz decouplers but the stands can also be placed directly on the floor.
Z1 Stands
The Z1 speakers have four dimples on the bottom that correspond to four dimples on top of the Z1 stands. 4 steel balls (larger than the Darkz balls) are placed in these dimples, after which one positions the speakers on top. I find it hard to not let one or more balls escape during the process but I’ve seen Ohm Audio’s Luuk do it effortlessly for both speakers, so maybe it’s just me. Once positioned, the speakers sit very solidly but for extra security (for instance when one has small kids), the speakers can be secured to the stands via a large screw that can be fitted from underneath the stands while speakers remain in position. One can also loosely fit this screw so that this does not affect the sound.
I’ve said it before: Audio Group Denmark sure knows how to create a beautiful aesthetic and the Z1 stands are no exception. They have a modern, subtly technical, yet clean and minimalistic appearance and a beautiful smooth finish. Aside from thin metal layers on the top and bottom, the stands are made entirely of HDF composite. According to the company, this has sonic benefits over using steel, but as I found during use, the material does not have the same strength as same-thickness steel or aluminum. With the speakers on top, the stands are discouragingly wobbly and honestly not befitting to speakers in this price category. At 2.400 euros, I feel that they cost at least twice as much as I would expect them to, based on the materials and construction. But they are beautiful and custom-made and in spite of their flexibility, they may still be sonically perfect for these speakers.
01 Stands
The 01 stands are absolutely gorgeous. It’s that I was informed that they, too, are made entirely of HFD, but I could swear that it was all aluminum. The smoothly curvaceous matte black center column with its sharp inward cavity on the rear end gives that impression. But the beautifully polished and shiny top and bottom sections most definitely had me convinced they were lacquered aluminum.
I’ll say it again, this company sure knows a thing or 16 about design! And unlike the Z1 stands, the 01 stands are very robust and utterly stable.
Both the top and bottom sections of the 01 stands have three precisely-machined felt-covered cavities into which one can fit a set of Darkz. As standard, the 01 speakers come equipped with one set of S2T Darkz each to use as the interface between speaker and stands or another surface.
The stands can be used directly on the floor but it is expected (and recommended by yours truly) to also use Darkz underneath them. The combined aesthetic is simply stunning and I’m sure the assembly is sonically a perfect match but I have to wonder why the stands must cost all of 4.330 euros.
Audio Group Denmark has taken a very clever approach with their Ansuz Darkz resonance control devices in making all their other products compatible with them. This is not only smart marketing, but the Darkz actually consistently perform miracles whenever I try them. And as my previous tests as part of the Ansuz Power Distributors have already shown, the more expensive they get, the better they sound, right up to the “ouch” price category. So, if you find your wallet a little thin after splashing out on a pair of speakers, do yourself a favor and only listen to the Darkz models that fit within the budget. Fortunately, as I found during this test, even the most affordable C2T Darkz already offers a very substantial improvement.
Darkz can be used directly between the 01 stand and 01 speaker as a direct interface and in this case, no Balls are required. Alternatively, Darkz can also be used under audio components and in that case, the balls are optional. One can slide them underneath as they are, or one can add Balls on top. As I found, the Balls lead to further improved speed, air, and transient behavior. Finally, one can also use the Darkz in combination with Ansuz Darkz Feet which can be screwed into the component that they support.
As far as I am concerned, Darkz have only one downside when used in combination with Darkz Feet or other Audio Group Denmark equipment which is that while maneuvering them, one or more of the balls on top may at some point escape your attention and wander off into the room. So far, I always recovered them but it may be a good idea to keep some spares around.
Viking Arm
The following has nothing to do with Ansuz or Børresen but it has got to be the most satisfying tool that I’ve used so far: the Viking Arm. This handy tool will lift up to 150KGs with delicate precision, all by yourself, and with no effort at all. Simply squeeze the handle to lift, and you can do this as gently or as quickly as desired.
When the job is done, simply lower the arm by repeatedly pressing the left lever and watch the object lower with the same delicacy and precision as when going up. This is truly perfect for adding Darkz, Spikes, or other footers under speakers. The Z1 and 01 monitors are not heavy but imagine having to do the same with big floorstanders! Please do go for the real Viking Arms and don’t bother with the cheap copies as I have read several reports that they will bend in use. You just don’t want accidents when maneuvering costly speakers.
Next: Listening
Great review, as always. Thanks. I didn’t look up the specs but did you try the Z1 with a tube amp? It would probably not with a 20 wpc tube amp, would it?
Regards, Jan
Hi Jan, I no longer own a tube amp and haven’t tried, but I would imagine that the 60-Watt Ayon Spirit III (or the V) would have had no issues with the Z1 whatsoever. Whether a 20-Watt tube amp would also cut it, I cannot say. It will depend on how it was designed and on how loud you want to play. I never got the impression that the Z1s are particularly hard to drive, but at 86 dB, they are not very sensitive and they will require some potency if you want to play louder. My guess is that if you’re going to extract the best of them in terms of tightness, agility, and transient behavior, it may prove hard (or costly) to find a well-matching tube amp. Finding a well-matching transistor amp will likely be much easier.
What “review?” This is not a review.
Hello CP,
Can you indicate how these Børresen loudspeakers compare to the Franco Serblin Assence, previously reviewed by you? And yes, we also had to bend our knees for balls…..
I’ve only reviewed the Franco Serblin Accordo monitors, not the Essense, and comparisons from memory are not hugely reliable. That said, I have heard all their models and think I have a good understanding of their qualities. The main differences between the Børresens and the Accordo Essence are resolution and transparency, where the Børresen simply has the upper hand.
Hello CP,
Can you indicate how these Børresen loudspeakers compare to the Franco Serblin Accordo, previously reviewed by you? And yes, we also had to bend our knees for the balls…..
Not looking at the price, would you change the Driade flow speaker cable for the Ansuz C2 speakz ?
This will depend on which virtues one finds most important. Does one prefer the tightest and most precise bass and best overall neutrality or the widest soundstaging, deepest tonal saturation, and most magical delivery? It’s very much a personal matter. In my system, I use the Mad Scientist Black Magic speaker cable which matches even better with the Magicos and the rest of the system. But they have spade connectors and besides are not flexible or long enough to be used with the Børresen monitors. I place a lot of emphasis on bass precision even to the point of accepting less weight in favor of transient speed but I know this is not the most common viewpoint. Many listeners prefer a slightly more relaxed bass and within the context of a Børresen monitor speaker system, I would suggest taking the Ansuz route, among others because the C1 cable’s fuller bass augments the speakers’ bass heft and feeling of listening to a fuller-range speaker.
Hi Christiaan, have to say I also prefer quality bass above quantity, at the moment I am using the older Ansuz POM speakercables, did try also C2 and D2, for me the D2 is where the real magic begins in the Ansuz line, but I will never get myself to buy 18K speaker cables. I might give the driade flow 808 a try to see if it is more my taste.
Have a good xmas
Hi Christiaan,
I am looking for speaker cables for Audiovector R1 Arrete speakers. Is the Ansuz P2 speakz a good choice in this price range, or is the Purist audio design Poseidon better?
With best regards,
Hi Igor, I’ve not heard any Purist Audio cables so can’t tel you how they compare.
Hi ;
OK , but my main question is I am looking for speaker cables for Audiovector R1 Arrete speakers. Is the Ansuz P2 speakz a good choice ?
Best regards , Igor
Whether or not the P2 Speakz works well for you depends on many factors, not least of which is your personal taste. Also, I have not heard the Audiovector speakers. All I can say is that the P2 may be for you if you feel that the Audiovector in your current setup will benefit from a sweeter, lusher, more relaxed, and more liquid sound.
Wow they are about the same price as Marten Mingus Quintet
Christiaan, as you are known to the improvements Ansuz Darkz can bring. I was wondering if you have ever tested Darkz underneath your Magico S1 mkII, and your opinion about it. Current photos of your setup, shows you are still using the spikes. Do they perform better?
I bet Darkz could sound very nice as speaker footers under the Magico S1s instead of the standard spikes, but they are not compatible in terms of thread, and I don’t dare just placing them underneath the speakers without being fixed. I did buy StillPoints with the intention to use them under the Magicos but that idea has lapsed as I am happy with the speakers just as they are and I use the StillPoints elsewhere.