
27 June 2021
Melody WE-2688 Signature preamp with 211 MAX mono amplifiers premium
Deviating from my normal routine, this review is carried out on location at A Tube High Fidelity where I will assess the Melody components using the famous Klipsch Klipschorn AK6 speakers.
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Melody Action Ultra, MDA2, and Everest 211 premium
Established in 1999 in Australia by Mr Allen Wang and known primarily in Australia and Asia, Melody is now being distributed in the EU. As it turns out, these amplifiers are something special. The corporate headquarters, which comprises, among others, the R&D center (product design), is based in Australia. Later, in order to meet the growing market demands, the company decided to invest by building a factory in Shenzhen, which is located near the city of Hong Kong.
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