Pink Faun

Clarisys Audio Minuet Plus premium
Remember how smitten I was with the Clarisys Audio Minuet when I heard it one year ago (2023) at PUUR hifidelity? Now, go figure that the speaker company issued an improved "Neodymium" model called Minuet Plus that does everything the previous Ferrite model did but with higher efficiency and improvements across the board.
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PUUR hifidelity Company Visit and Clarisys Audio Minuet Review premium
Recently, PUUR hifidelity moved from Oostzaan into a cozier and much more accessible shop on a main street in Zeist. In this article, you will find a showcase of the new showroom as well as a report of the Clarisys Audio show with a full listening impression of the entry-level Minuet model. 
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29 July 2022
Jorma Audio USB Reference and Ethernet premium
Shortly after reviewing the Jorma AES/EBU cables, I started hearing rave reports about the other Jorma Digital cables, especially the USB Reference cable. With this dual product review, I am excited to investigate what all the fuss is about.
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16 February 2021
Nieuwjaarsshow at PUUR audio, video & domotica premium
As a result of the ongoing lockdown and restrictions as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, Robert and Daan of PUUR came up with a brilliant idea: to carry out a show for an audience limited to yours truly and with the intention for me to write a report so that readers can still get a nice impression of the show without having to leave their homes.
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5 June 2020
Pink Faun Digital Interlink LAN premium
To many, high-end Ethernet cables are still a controversial subject. While plenty of experiments have proven to me that their influence is not imaginary, it sure is annoying that, so far, we have not been able to come up with a proper scientific explanation for why these cables can alter the sound. However, these differences are actually easy to hear and the Pink Faun Digital Interlink LAN cable with its unique presentation turns out to be an ideal candidate to take away any remaining doubts.
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25 April 2020
Pink Faun Digital Interlink USB premium
The Pink Faun Digital Interlink USB ranks among the very best cables I have heard and it has established itself as one of my top favorites.
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18 February 2019
Pink Faun 2.16x Music Server premium
A super-precise and highly refined beast of a music server that can be outfitted with any combination of SPDIF, USB and I2S interface boards.
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