Sequel with Dynavector 10×5 MkII in the TA-3 arm
For the next test, I opted to leave the CA-1 cartridge in the TA-1 arm and set it aside while I mounted the Dynavector cartridge in an AVID TA-3 arm, which is an OEM Rega RB-330.
The Dynavector 10×5 MkII is a High Output MC cartridge (for use with an MM input) with a Shibata III stylus and 2.8mV output. Specified at 1.8-2.2 grams, I set it to 2 grams. Alas, with the counterweight slid all the way to the front, it only reached about 1.8 grams and so I needed to deploy the arm’s spring-loaded VTA for the last .2 grams. I say “alas” because I know from experience with other turntables that using the built-in tension rather than only the counterweight can lead to a sense of dynamic compression.
Checking the VTA is now harder due to the TA-3 arm’s tapered shape, rendering visual references in terms of equidistance from the LP surface invalid, while the Dynavector cartridge itself also has precious few usable straight angles. But as far as I can tell by eye and using SMARTstylus and Elvon perspex visual aids, the VTA is accidentally just about perfect for this arm in default form.
The Dynavector manual states that it requires a load of 1000 Ohms minimum, but at that value, I find that it sounds a little tired and unexciting. At the very high value of 100k, the sound goes in the other direction, becoming too strict, flat, and business-like. With 40dB of gain and the impedance set to 47 kOhm, however, the Dynavector sounds very well-balanced.
The improvement is immediately audible. The Shibata stylus shape clearly retrieves much more information and this cartridge is also much more evenly balanced, more accurate, and more refined than the CA-1. You can hear this in the treble (no more spitty “s”-es or hard sibilants) as well as in purer and cleaner midrange and the precision of the bass. Whereas the CA-1 certainly sounded groovy, it was also thick and imprecise.
With the Dynavector cartridge, the Sequel also sounds much more linear and transparent. It’s very interesting to note that this change alone makes one question if AVID turntables really sound the way that I described in the previous sections above. But rest assured, as successive tests with another arm and other cartridges will confirm, they do. But for now, although the Dynavector is spectacular in terms of neutrality, purity, and detail retrieval, the more I listened to it, the more I found that it did not do much for me in terms of musicality. Technically, it was perfect but it wasn’t emotionally involving.
After having given the cartridge about 12 LP sides of playing time (which is admittedly not anywhere near the normally recommended running in time) there was no noticeable change and the performance remained business-like. Is the Dynavector to blame? Given its stellar reputation, I would not think so. But neither would it be the turntable, would it? Or would it be this particular cartridge/arm pairing?
As mentioned, I still have another tonearm to try, the Audio Origami PU7 (12-gram effective mass version with Cardas 33ga internal wiring and super OFC external cable). Having heard this arm on a Linn LP12 as part of another review some time ago, I suspect that it will not only outperform the TA-1 but also provide a very different balance. But first, I want to try another cartridge with the TA-3 arm.
Sequel with TA-3 arm and Nagaoka MP-150
For this test, I retained the TA-3 arm and swapped the Dynavector 10×5 for the Nagaoka MP-150 MM cartridge. Fitted with a Superfine elliptical stylus and a high 4.5mV output, the Nagaoka promises a different perspective. Priced at 379 euro, one would suspect that it would not be able to keep up with the Dynavector, and strictly speaking, it can’t. But, ultimately, everything revolves around balance in the wonderful world of audio. In other words, it is the match that counts.
The MP-150 is specified at 1.5-2.0 grams at 20 degrees celsius with higher tracking force recommended for lower-temperature rooms. Since my room is at an always constant 22,5 degrees I normally use cartridges at their median specification. With the counterweight slid all the way over the yoke, the VTF was a very nice 1.78 grams which I thought was perfect while avoiding the use of the arm’s internal spring. Fortunately, judged using the SMARTstylus and Elvon tools, the VTA was again pretty much ideal.
Retaining the 47 kOhm setting on the phono preamp but adjusting the gain to compensate for the Nagaoka’s higher 4,5mV output (vs 2,8mV for the Dynavector), I was struck by how powerful the Sequel now sounded. It was almost explosive!
Even with zero hours of use, the cartridge immediately sounded great. Powerful and dynamic, impactful yet refined, neutral and well-balanced, and with especially nimble and powerful bass. I was also amazed at the fluidity and refinement in the treble that was apparently possible with such a low-priced cartridge. In a way, this tonearm/cartridge combination elicited similar neutrality from the Sequel as with the Dynavector but with more energy and with a bouncier, more joyful delivery.
As can be expected from an elliptical stylus, the level of detail, resolution, and refinement ultimately lags slightly behind what is possible with a more costly Line Contact or Shibata, such as fitted in the Dynavector. With the Nagaoka, the music is indeed painted in slightly broader strokes but it really is leaps and bounds better than with the entry-level AVID/Audio Technica cartridge. The MP-150’s output is fluid, smooth, articulate, and clean, and absolutely never spitty even with sharply-recorded “S” es.
To be honest, I’d take the Nagaoka’s energetic, jumpy, and immensely joyful presentation over the extra resolution and refinement of the relatively lackluster and polite Dynavector.
I briefly also tried the Nagaoka with the Diva and the TA-3 arm and here again, the synergy was great. As the results were entirely consistent with earlier findings and this review is already getting lengthy, I’ll refrain from going into the specifics.
By now I’m sure many readers will be shouting out “Why?!” and I felt the same. At this point, I had no more desire to try the AT-3 arm with the Dynavector cartridge on the Diva.
And with this, the time has come to step up the game by introducing the Audio Origami PU7 tonearm. Retailing for 3.100 euro in silver and 3.400 euro in black, it deserves to be taken seriously. And although it was tempting to mount it on the Sequel, first, I wanted to see in what way it would change the Diva’s performance.
Audio Origami PU7 tonearm
The Audio Origami arm is no stranger to me. I have heard it before, mounted on a Linn LP12 when reviewing a bunch of Lejonklou components. At that time, I noticed that the LP12 sounded very different from the previous time that I had heard one. And these concerned the same Akurate models with the same Adikt cartridge. The only difference? The arm!
The first time that I heard an LP12, a Linn Akito was mounted and at that time, the turntable sounded lean and quite strict and it failed to involve me. Somewhat similar, in retrospect, to how the Sequel now sounded when it was fitted with the TA-3 tonearm and Dynavector cartridge. When I later heard the same LP12 turntable model but fitted with an Audio Origami PU7 arm and the same Adikt cartridge, it was as if the character of the sound had made a 180-degree turn. Now, the turntable sounded rich, smooth, full, and relaxed. The Akito did not please me but perhaps the PU7 made the LP12 a little too relaxed. No doubt, in context, the Linn Ekos might have been more suited, but at almost 5000 euro, it warrants careful consideration.
The Audio Origami tonearms are hand-made in Scotland. They contain 4 very high-quality ball races, have a foam-damped arm tube, and come with a Linn or Rega base fitting and both VTA and Azimuth are adjustable. Upon a first glance, it may not appear to be very special but if you look closer, you notice that it is built very solidly and everything about it is finished to a very high standard.
The only thing that I question is the placement of the anti-skating counterweight. While the system is very clever, it is positioned so closely behind the arm lift lever that I keep accidentally pulling it when I want to use the lift.
Another aspect to take into account is that the AVID clamp gets really close to the PU7’s headshell when in the end groove. I found with two records that it would actually slightly touch the headshell, resulting in the needle repeatedly being skipped back one groove on the record. It depends on how close the end groove was cut to the label and it’s not Audio Origami’s fault but it’s something to be aware of when using the PU7 or any tonearm with a relatively wide headshell.
But as it turned out, the arm would prove to mate absolutely perfectly with the AVIDs, and both practical matters are soon forgotten after hearing this arm!
Hi, Christian!
Could you compare sound of Avid Diva with Thorens Td1601?
Kind regards,
Hi Jurica, certainly, this is already on the agenda:-)
Hi Christiaan,
you tried an almost mind-boggling variety of combinations. Thank you! You left out only one: trying the OL Illustrious arm on the Diva or Sequel. I’d be curious how it compares with the Audio Origami. Thanks for always bringing insightful reviews!
It felt as quite mind-boggling at times, for sure, hahaha. Indeed, a comparison with the Illustrious would certainly be interesting. However, that would require some sort of modification by means of an adapter ring since the clearance in the gap underneath the Avid’s arm board is wide not enough to fit the Illustrious arm’s 3.7 cm nut. And even if it would fit, I wouldn’t want to do that with my own arm. The Illustrious is more tweaky than it would seem upon first sight. Now that I have gotten it carefully calibrated to sound just right on the Calypso deck, I don’t want to throw off the settings again. That said, I might still do the comparison at some point in the future when reviewing a new Origin Live tonearm and if I can be supplied with the required adapter ring.
Oh, sorry! I thought the Illustrious was perfectly compatible with Rega armboards. That’s what they say. As far as not wanting to mess with a prefect setup, I agree. I have the same arm…
As far as the geometry of the mounting hole in the Avid’s top adapter plate is concerned, yes, it should be compatible. But it’s not the Rega board that is the issue. The OL nut is too large to fit in the Avid’s relatively narrow integral arm extension cavity (that is below the Rega adapter plate). I would either need a large diameter ring to clamp the arm on the bottom part of the Avid’s extension section or a narrower nut and then it should work just fine.
I see, thank you!
Hi, I know this review is a few months old now but I thought you might be interested in my set up. AVID Ingenium p&p, Aluminium platter, RB880 tonearm and a newly fitted Audio Technica OC9XSH cartridge. This sounds incredible.
Hi Darren, nice to hear you opted for the Ingenium. Have you listened to the standard MDF version in comparison with the aluminium platter?
Hi Christiaan,
Sorry for the late reply your message went into my junk folder.
My Ingenium came with the MDF platter, it’s not bad to be honest but sounds dead compared to the aluminium one. Timing should be improved as well due to the weight. Not cheap but I’m very pleased with it.
Ah yes, that happens sometimes:-) Thanks for your feedback, sounds like you’re hearing what I suspected and the aluminum platter is indeed a worthy upgrade. Good to know!
Hello Christian,
Thanks for review of the Avid turntable range. I was really curious about your results. I am using a avid ingenium turntable for nearly a year and I wa really impressed by the sound. Before that u used an dial 621 turntable frob th good old seventies, which was fine for listening to music but I always wanted to have a new one and it took some time to find the right player. My local hifi dealer was really impressed by the ingenium and it was the first time hearing from these brand. After purchasing it I started to upgrade the ingenium with the michell tecnoarm II, which was a huge improvement soundwise and for near ky two weeks I have the metal platter spinning on my turntable which was a huge step in musical reproduction, especially in the the midrange the body is thicker and more or stable and the Soundstage is wider and details are much clearer to differentiate. I am using an audio technica vm 95sh and I want to di an upgrade with an Hana ML or with an Nagaoka 500. Which cartridge would you prefer. I am using a perreaux Amplifier with an perreaux vp3 Phono stage?
Hi Christian, between the Nagaoka and the Hana, it is mostly a matter of choosing between pacing, dynamics, and attack (Nagaoka) and smoothness, fluidity, and refinement (Hana). And also, the cart needs to match the tonearm. The Tecnoarm is a modified Rega RB250 and knowing that the Nagaoka works well with the Rega arms, I’d say that is a safe bet, unless you want a more soothing and friendly sound, in which case the Hana might be better.
Hi all! I just bought the Ingenium turntable. I will upgrade to aluminium platter asap. But there is one thing that bothers me, I have a lot of different mats also a brass mat, which is 3mm thick, I cannot find a way to adjust the tonearm height so I can experiment with the mats, some of them I have are even thicker than 3mm. Is there a way to make the adjustment??
The tonearm and turntable offer no means of height adjustment/VTA. But you can insert thicker washers between the tonearm and arm base.
Thank You for your kind answer. Ok, I will try with the washer, although this is not really an optimal solution …
With this tonearm and all entry-level Rega tonearms, that’s the only solution there is. Of course, there are better tonearms with more adjustment features and the Ingenium is well worth the extra expenditure that comes with higher-end tonearms.
With regards to adjusting the tone arm height, look at the Mitchel Engineering VTA. I have it and it very good. Also tone arm is very limited due to the very small hole. I decided upon RB880 and This works very well with the Ingenium. I also have an ATOC9XSH cart and the metal platter. Hope this helps, Darren
Excellent suggestion, Darren! I was not aware this existed for 3-point tonearm fixations.
@Dejan, look at Michell VTA Adjuster 2 or VTA Adjuster 3. I think you will need the latter. Also note that this adjuster raises the tonearm height by a few mm even at its lowest point.
Hi Christiaan,
thanks for your review, all you write sounds really credible and as far as I can say is clearly audible too. I used the Avid Diva II first with a Jelco 250 SA and a Goldring 2500, then I changed the pickup to a Transrotor Uccelo Reference (improved GR 1042) then I bought an Roksan Tabriz Zi and finally a Acoustical Systems FIDELES pickup. Every change was a nice step upward the audiophil ladder. Lately I changed the deck and went to the Avid Diva II SP, this meant to take four or fives step at once. Now the sound is so detailed, vivid, three dimensional and rhytmically precise that I can hardly believe it. Do you think with another tonearm (SME perhaps?) the journey could go even further?
Thanks and best regards
Nice! The AVID’s basis is so good that every step you take reaps benefits. I have no personal experience with Jelco tonearms but I do know that really good arms can cost, well, an arm and a leg. In other words, I’m afraid that you’ll again hear clear improvements as you upgrade the tonearm. However, a more expensive arm is not always better, sometimes, the match is less ideal and you actually go backwards. SME tonearms have a great reputation but you can no longer get one new. Alas, there are too many good arms out there and I’ve heard too few of them for me to make a proper recommendation.
Today, I upgraded my Avid Ingenium with an Van den Hul DTT Special cartridge. The Tonarm I use is a Michell Tecnoarm II and it sounds outstanding. I can highly recommend an upgrade of the Ingenium. I also use the metal platter, which brings big improvements on the overall sound and Imaging.
Even if the Ingenium sounds surprisingly good at the price, I am not a big fan of the MDF platter. As I understand it, the difference between it and the upgrade metal platter is similar to the difference in weight: substantial!